A bald eagle, a red-tailed hawk and dozens of birds drop dead from the sky in Hillsboro, Oregon


Wildlife officials are investigating a mysterious mass bird death in Hillsboro, Oregon.

Dozens of red-winged blackbirds and European starlings were found dead in a field off West Union Road, along with a bald eagle and a red-tailed hawk.

Mysterious mass bird deaths in Hillsboro, Mysterious mass bird deaths in Hillsboro oregon, Mysterious mass bird deaths in Hillsboro video, Mysterious mass bird deaths in Hillsboro pictures, birds drop from the sky dead hillsboro oregon
Mysterious mass bird deaths in Hillsboro. Picture via KGW8

A man who works nearby first spotted the eagle in the field on Monday and checked it out. Then he found the hawk nearby along with many small birds.

There were no obvious signs of death. The birds are being tested by wildlife officials to figure out how they died.

It is unusual and concerning for this many birds to die at once and for there to be several species involved.

Sallinger is not connected to the case, so can’t speak to specifics about it.

But he did share a general concern: “The things we do think about are poisons and toxins. In these kinds of situations it can be an intentional situation, it can be something that they got into that was unintentional,” Sallinger said.

Mysterious mass bird deaths in Hillsboro, Mysterious mass bird deaths in Hillsboro oregon, Mysterious mass bird deaths in Hillsboro video, Mysterious mass bird deaths in Hillsboro pictures, birds drop from the sky dead hillsboro oregon
Mysterious deaths of birds, including a bald eagle, under investigation in Hillsboro. Picture via KGW8

Test results will have to come back to find out exactly what happened and killed all of these birds.

If it was intentional, someone could face big fines since the bald eagle and red-tailed hawk are protected species.

KGW8 – Mysterious mass bird deaths in Hillsboro
Fox12 – Mysterious deaths of birds, including a bald eagle, under investigation in Hillsboro

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  1. What makes you think it is for birds alone?
    When enough 5G towers are in place someone will give the order and all those bank accounts are theirs.
    The government will get the SS accounts, the banks will get their house and properties back.
    Maybe they can finally pay down the National debt?

    • Lol has nothing do with God or a earthquake chill out ?? birds been falling out sky for years and years even before 5g was even invented Been happening for 2000 years yet No body knows when but God ?‍♀️?‍♀️ bit we are not in the last days yet …. there is still manyany things that need be f ufilled be for Jesus can come back .. not mention there still a billion people who have no ideal of God’s gospel

  2. We rarely here the follow up, the results of the testing on the birds. Was it Wireless radiation? Poison? What ? I would like to hear the outcome of the testing.

  3. What killed the bird is the 5G milimeter wave system. His just recently also ocurred in the znetherland where 5G was being ‘trialed’, the bird fell out of trees in the test zone. YOU ARE GOING TO SEE MORE OF IT. THEY’LL SAY IT’S A MYSTERY. BUT WHEN IT HAPPENS TO OTHER SPECIES AND US HUMANS ON A MASS SCALE Look Out 5G, Look Out Telecom INDUSTRY!, your fortune making is going to take a nose dive, so will your Illegal Criminal act of Desperation bill SB-649 take a hit because HEALTH CONCERNS WILL HAVE TO BE ADDRESSED YOU sons of …

    • You beat me to it. 5G rollout. If you google it of course Snopes says it’s false, but I don’t trust them one bit. All the results use the words “conspiracy theory.” Bastards. They really want population reduction, by any means necessary.

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