Mystery: Water turns BLOOD RED around Hormuz Island in IRAN for unknown reason (videos and pictures)


Nobody knows what’s currently going on with the water around Hormuz Island in Iran. But one thing is sure… the water around Hormoz in the Strait of Hormuz is currently turning BLOOD RED!

The mysterious BLOOD WATER phenomenon is very strong near the beach surrounding the island:

The Strait of Hormuz flows between Saudi Arabia and Iran. Both countries are currently experiencing biblical locust plages right now (Iran and Saudi Arabia).

Now a few pictures of this mysterious phenomenon:

That is really insane! The water is so BLOOD RED!

water of the Hormuz strait has turned blood red in Iran, water of the Hormuz strait has turned blood red in Iran video, water of the Hormuz strait has turned blood red in Iran picture, water of the Hormuz strait has turned blood red in Iran may 2019
The water of the Hormuz strait has turned blood red in Iran. via Twitter

But I don’t understand what’s going on there!

Blood Red… Could this be a sign of an near military conflict?

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  1. He is right, there is a beach composed almost entirely out of iron oxide “sand”, i.e. red soil mixing with the tides = red water.

  2. This is normal. The beach is red and makes the water appear red. They even call it Rainbow Island for it’s colors. Nothing to worry about. When God turns the water to blood, everyone will know and not have to guess as to the cause.

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