Mysterious booms shake Haiti and Nebraska, baffling residents and officials


The mystery booms continue. Here two more reports of these loud rumblings baffling people around the world.

mystery booms haiti, mystery booms nebraska, mystery booms haiti may 2019
Mystery booms and rumblings shake Haiti and Nebraska in May 2019.


Sunday between 3:00 and 4:00 pm a huge roar, similar to a huge explosion of undetermined origin was heard throughout the department of Grand’Anse sowing anxiety and some panic in the population, unable to locate the origin of this noise and explain the cause, leaving room for rumors of all kinds.

Monday 24 hours after this phenomenon some still evoked the awakening of a volcano, while there is no volcano in this department. The only two volcanoes existing in Haiti are at Thomazeau and at the Morne la Vigie. They have been asleep for nearly a million years and pose no danger to the population. Sunday and Monday, the local authorities were not able to explain this phenomenon.

The engineer-geologist Claude Prépetit, Director General of the Bureau of Mines and Energy says that it is not an earthquake or a volcanic activity and rather advance the hypothesis of the explosion of a meteorite that would have disintegrated in the atmosphere before touching the ground, no point of impact having been reported for the moment, as it was the case in Cuba at the beginning of February 2019.

Claude Prépetit reassures the population that if this hypothesis is confirmed, it no longer represents any danger for the population, while stressing that it is difficult for the moment to confirm what really happened in Grand’Anse Sunday after-midday. – Haiti-libre

Sydney, Nebraska

At some point around 8:45 p.m. on Monday, May 13, residents in central Sidney heard a mysterious loud ‘boom’ sound which caused several people to exit their homes in hopes of identifying the source. An official noise complaint was filed to the Sidney Police Department from a homeowner on the 1100 Block of Newton Street with a description of hearing a, “similar noise to cannon being fired.”

Sidney Police Chief Joe Aikens said he and the responding officer aren’t sure where the sound may have come from, or what may have caused it. If anyone has information pertaining to the loud noise, please contact the Police Department at (308)254-5515. – KSID Radio

What are these mysterious booms?

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1 Comment

  1. 10 Miles East of Devil’s Tower, Wyoming…Black Hills of Wyoming at 6500 feet elevation…The ENORMOUS BOOMS coming from the ground have started again…It has been quiet here for quite a while…Was starting to think maybe I would not be hearing them ever again…WRONG….In the last 24 hours, at least 2 or 3 times every hour, LARGE ENORMOUS BOOMS coming from the ground…Not any mining…No Jets overhead breaking the sound barrier…No explanation whatsoever at all….
    Two others just made their way over my house in the past week and are now in South Dakota….
    Booms are alarming though….Very Deep Sounding….
    I want to add here something else I had not put together…..
    RIGHT NOW ~ As the BOOMS are happening, we are being BOMBARDED with a CME…..
    I think not………………

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