First Case of Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic Fever in Namibia


A 74-year-old patient is admitted to the Outapi District Hospital after she was diagnosed with Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic Fever (CCHF) on Friday.

Omusati regional health director Alfons Amoomo said this is the first confirmed Congo fever case in the region.

Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus, Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus tanzania, This graphic shows the life cycle of the Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus
First case of CCHF crimean congo hemorrhagic fever in Namibia. Picture by CDC shows the life cycle of the Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus

Amoomo said the patient is currently under high care isolation, but is doing well. The female patient hails from Oukwandongo village in Angola which shares borders with Oukwandongo village in the Outapi District.

According to a report by the Executive Director in the Ministry of Health and Social Services Ben Nangombe, the patient was first treated at the hospital’s casualty on the first day of September.

On that first day of the month, the patient experienced weakness, diarrhea, poor appetite, low-grade fever of 37.5 degrees Celsius and also had a history of excessive alcohol consumption.

The patient was treated and sent home.

According to Nangombe, the patient again returned to the hospital four days later and this time she was coughing blood, had joint pains and had a bleeding nose. Upon further examination, a tick was discovered on her left arm.

“The patient was then admitted, tick safely removed and the protocols for CCHF was discussed as a possibility, therefore the patient was placed under isolation,” said Nangombe.

Nangombe further said the patient was diagnosed with Bronchopneumonia and Haemoptysis and was bleeding until the second day and only stopped upon the third day.

Basic blood tests performed revealed low platelets and severe Thrombocytopenia was diagnosed requiring for blood transfusion to be administered on the patient.

Meanwhile, Amoomo said a team of epidemiologist was deployed at the region to offer support. He said a contact list of 35 people including health workers and relatives who came into contact with the patient are currently under surveillance and are being monitored.

Amoomo said only 14 of the people on the list are considered high risk contacts. A team has also been deployed at the concerned village to give health education to the community. Source

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