Villagers in Guizhou said that they had heard baffling noises from the mountains…
And suddenly, thousands of locals hunt for the source of the curious dragon’s growling or roar sound.

Thousands of villagers in China have flocked to search for what they thought was a ‘mysterious creature’ after hearing loud noises that apparently sounded like a dragon’s growling.
A recent footage shows curious locals swarming to the top of the mountain in Xiushui of China’s southwestern province Guizhou while the supposedly mystical beast can be heard making the roaring noises.
Local officials even had to set roadblocks to stop people from gathering while sending a team of experts to investigate the strange sound.
Dragon Gowling? Tiger Roar?
The villagers in Xiushui had rushed to the mountain hills after some farmers claimed that they had heard some strange noises on June 20.
Footage filmed by onlookers shows local residents gathering in the area while they intently listen to the low-pitched sound.
Some people can be heard shouting excitedly: ‘It’s growling! It’s growling!‘
The videos has also drawn enormous attention on Chinese social media after some web users claimed that the sound had come from a dragon while others said it was a tiger’s roar.
Guizhou officials sent a team of experts to search the area after the videos became viral online.
No, just a yellow-legged buttonquail!
Zoologists later revealed that the sound was, in fact, coming from a type of small bird called the yellow-legged buttonquail.
Hardly bigger than a sparrow, the little ground birds have a disproportionately loud song.
During the breeding season, the females repeatedly utter the booming hoots which can be heard at a distance as far as 100 metres (328 feet).
The expert’s conclusion was confirmed by some villagers who had spotted the animals while they were making the noise.
Liu Fuqiong, a local primary school teacher, told Pear Video: ‘It hummed twice or three times repeatedly every six or seven minutes. The sound was very deep. I thought it was quite strange as well.
‘A dozen of villagers followed the sound to the cornfield and chased down a yellow bird with a really short tail.‘
Ran Jingcheng, director of the provincial wildlife protection centre, told reporters: ‘Residents in other areas had heard similar sounds before. They just didn’t think too much about it.‘
Local police said that they had detained at least four residents for spreading rumours online, claiming the sound was a dragon’s humming.
More strange sounds news on Strange Sounds and Steve Quayle. Now if you are looking for supplements to increase your healthy lifestyle and sexlife please visit Natural Health Source. Thank you for your support! […, Pear Video, Animal Diversity Web]
Their pet demons need some fresh peasant meats.
It sure doesn’t sound like the yellow-legged buttonquail calls posted on YouTube. Sounds a lot like the mysterious screeching heard around remote areas believed to be Sasquatch or Big Foot. Could be a psyop to distract Chinese citizens.
I think it is the Chinese Sasquatch too
“Sounded like a Dragons’ growl”?
Like they ever heard a Dragon growl before.
They’ll catch it and eat it.
I think it will taste good 🙂
Sounds like Hillary every time she loses an election ………….
I think we won’t hear her in a long time
Sounds like a recording from a Godzilla movie that is being played for the locals.