At least 160 people have been killed by flash flooding in Afghanistan this week as rescuers continue to search amidst mud and rubble for missing people.
Thirteen provinces, mostly in the country’s north, were affected by floods and more than 1,500 houses were washed away, according to the Ministry for Disaster Management.
More than 112 killed in Afghanistan with at more than 250 people injured when flash floods decimated the area. Family members are mourning those who died today
— Khadeja Abdallah ? (@khadejaabdalla1) August 29, 2020
The floods hit Parwan, Kapisa, Panjshir, Maidan Wardak, Logar, Paktia, Paktika, Nuristan, Nangarhar, Laghman, Khost and Ghazni provinces.
The worst-hit province is Parwan, just north of the capital Kabul, where 116 people were killed and more than 120 injured, with 15 people still missing, national and local officials said.
In #Afghanistan, #floods killed over 100 ppl & destroyed thousands of homes in Charikar city,the capital of Parwan,
— AaravSeth ?? #EarthWarrior ? ? (@AaravSeth888) August 28, 2020
I wonder why the Media is always silent about #ClimateCrisis in poor countries.
Are the lives of Afghanistani people less valuable than the others?@GretaThunberg pic.twitter.com/ZilsBYAFVF
“Rescue teams are still in the area and searching for the missing bodies,” said Wahida Shahkar, a spokeswoman for Parwan’s governor.
Flash flooding hit Parwan early on Wednesday, washing away homes and buildings.
Flash Floods Kill At Least 100 People in Charikar, Afghanistan – Aug. 26, 2020 pic.twitter.com/FlB2N6g65x
— sovon chowdhury (@sovonchowdhury6) August 27, 2020
Local police spokesman Salim Noori said the community in the worst-affected areas were mostly farmers and informal workers who were already struggling financially.
Civil war, terrorists Taliban and now natural disaster (flood). What’s going on in #Afghanistan even God doesn’t like it. #floods ?? pic.twitter.com/ZVh7pZLsGL
— Jan Yari (@JYari90) August 28, 2020
The spokesman also said police were appealing for donations of blood for the many injured.
The Ministry of Defense said Afghan security forces were assisting in recovery efforts and distributing aid.
Meanwhile, Afghanistan’s Meteorological Department has forecast more rains in Nangarhar, Kabul and the Wakhan area of northern Badakhshan province in the next 24 hours.
More apocalyptic weather events on Strange Sounds and Steve Quayle. [Al Jazeera]