Televangelist Pat Robertson said on Tuesday that God told him President Trump will win, and more than five years later an asteroid will hit Earth and “maybe” bring “the end.”
“First of all, I want to say without question, Trump is going to win the election,” Robertson, the founder of the Christian Broadcasting Network told “The 700 Club.”
“That doesn’t mean you sit home and don’t vote,” he added. “That means you get out and do everything you can to work, but he’s going to win. That’s, I think, a given.“
The 90-year-old forecasted disaster for the country and the world after the election, including civil unrest, at least two attempts on Trump’s life and a war against Israel that will be “put down by God.”
Then, the world will see “at least five years or more of extraordinary peace” before the asteroid.
Pat Robertson reports that he has been told by God that Trump will win reelection … and it will bring about the beginning of the End Times. https://t.co/mH5ERpBFCs pic.twitter.com/8WcYGxR3eO
— Right Wing Watch (@RightWingWatch) October 20, 2020
“What I think very frankly is the only thing that will fulfill the word of Jesus … is some kind of asteroid strike on the globe,” he said. “It’s sudden destruction. It’s not going to be some nuclear war. We’re not going to be allowed to blow this earth up.”
Following a description of the asteroid’s damage, Robertson said “then, maybe the end” would come next.
Here a longer part of his PROPHECY:
The televangelist had made similar predictions in the past, saying in 1976 the world would end in 1982. His 1990 book “The New Millennium” anticipated the end of time on April 29, 2007
Well, despite his poor track record, Robertson may be right on both counts, this time around!
More US election news on the Hill, Strange Sounds and Steve Quayle.
it’s scary to see how ignorant people are about the judgement upon the world, the world is coming to an end , The Two Prophets of the LORD are already Here. in Kenya we’ve seen great wonders, search about Repent and prepare the way. the messiah is coming
Well he is right and all responses in this blog are also valid as well. But he had vision , it was his TV show and said it. He wins then asteroid hit mother earth ? It is confusing indeed. AI soon will able predicts asteroids to election wins better than humans?
Anyone who believes anything Pat Robertson has to say about anything is as delusional as he is.
We ask north America and Wordl wide know your law and you way talk to police. I have no problem i talk to police i am journalist i follow everything but never put my window down just little bit .I always face time live with my friends as well. So there is no room for error for me or police officer. Yes stevequayle and i and Jason A and strange sounds we know something will happen. Martial Law is next for North America. We canadians also are not immune to it?
10 Rules of Survival if Stopped by the Police world wide ?
1. Be polite and respectful when stopped by the police. Keep your mouth closed.
2. Remember that your goal is to get home safely. If you feel that your rights have been violated, you and your parents have the right to file a formal complaint with your local police jurisdiction.
3. Don’t, under any circumstance, get into an argument with the police.
4. Always remember that anything you say or do can be used against you in court.
5. Keep your hands in plain sight and make sure the police can see your hands at all times.
6. Avoid physical contact with the police. No sudden movements, and keep hands out of your pockets.
7. Do not run, even if you are afraid of the police.
8. Even if you believe that you are innocent, do not resist arrest.
9. Don’t make any statements about the incident until you are able to meet with a lawyer or public defender.
10. Stay calm and remain in control. Watch your words, body language and emotions.
We’d like to know what you think. ..
The worst thing that ever happened to our species are the religious nutcases, when people talk to the sky man it´s called prayer, when the sky man talks to people it´s time to get the straight jacket.
Tele-evangelist.. meaning.. a person who beiieves/or says they do, that an imaginary, invisible, silent, non human something in the sky.. bonked a virgin and produced a guy who was later dead for the 3 days, then got up for stroll and then ascended to heaven. Yeah,rtight.. Newtonian physics.
All I can do is laugh. This false teacher is such a riot how can people listen to this idiot.
A new preprint study estimates that COVID-19 deaths in the United States cut lives short by a total of 2.5 million years as of early October. The author, Harvard Medical School geneticist Stephen Elledge, says he did the analysis to correct “the false impression that the impact on society of these deaths is minimal” because they are concentrated among the elderly.
According to the most recent data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), people 65 or older, who represent 17 percent of the U.S. population, account for nearly 80 percent of COVID-19 deaths. But as Elledge emphasizes, people in that age group are not necessarily on the verge of death. The average life expectancy at 65 in the United States is about 83 for men and 86 for women.
“Because the great majority of COVID-19 deaths occur among the elderly,” Elledge writes, “the false impression that the impact on society from these deaths is minimal may be conveyed since these individuals were closer to a natural death. Aside from any troubling ethical implications associated with rationalization of COVID-19 mortality along these lines, such a conclusion is unwarranted for at least two reasons. First, as individuals age, their life expectancies increase too, well beyond the life expectancy at birth, which is the value most familiar to the general public. Second, a significant number of relatively young individuals have also died from COVID-19 and had decades of remaining life expectancy.”
Based on actuarial data on life expectancy and the age distribution of COVID-19 fatalities, Elledge roughly calculated that the 194,087 deaths reported by CDC as of October 3 amounted to 2,572,102 years of potential life lost (YPLL). The average loss based on that calculation was about 13 years and three months. Because the CDC breaks COVID-19 deaths into 10-year age ranges and the risk of dying from COVID-19 rises with age, Elledge performed an adjustment that reduced the YPLL number by 3.5 percent, to 2,486,160. That implies an average loss of nearly 12 years and 10 months.
Elledge notes that his analysis did not adequately account for “the effect of comorbidities on life expectancy.” Since people who are less healthy to begin with are more likely to die from COVID-19, a calculation based on average life expectancies by age group is apt to exaggerate the years of potential life lost due to the disease. Elledge takes a stab at adjusting for comorbidities by including a calculation that reduces COVID’s YPLL toll by 15 percent, from about 2.5 million to about 2 million. But this is really just a guess.
Other metrics of death-related costs, such as disability-adjusted life years (DALY) and quality-adjusted life years (QALY), try to take into account how healthy people would have been during their remaining years. That consideration is obviously relevant when comparing deaths at a young age to deaths at an advanced age, even leaving aside the difference in years of life expectancy.
“We did not undertake those analyses but note that there is a growing awareness of lasting effects on those infected with SARS-CoV-2 that lead to serious medical consequences,” Elledge says. The implication is that a QALY or DALY approach would cut both ways: discounting years lost by people who were already in poor health while taking into account the lasting effects of nonfatal infections.
Leaving those issues aside and taking Elledge’s numbers at face value, how do they compare to the losses associated with other causes of death?
In 2018, according to CDC data, unintentional injuries among Americans 85 or younger, including traffic accidents, were responsible for about 5.3 million years of potential life lost. Although those injuries caused fewer deaths (about 167,000) than COVID-19 has, the average loss was much bigger: more than 31 years, compared to about 13 years for COVID-19 per Elledge.
The average YPLL is only slightly higher for cancer than Elledge’s estimate for COVID-19: 14 vs. 13 years. But because cancer causes more deaths (nearly 600,000 in 2018, per the CDC), the total loss is much bigger: about 8.5 million years. And while heart disease, according to the CDC’s numbers, claimed an average of 10 years in 2018—less than the figure Elledge calculated for COVID-19—the total loss was still much higher: 6.6 million years of potential life.
In 2008, the CDC calculated that smoking was responsible for about 443,000 deaths per year (many of those from cancer and heart disease), amounting to 5.1 million YPLL, or more than 11 years on average. This year the CDC estimated that “excessive alcohol use” causes about 93,000 deaths a year (including about 7,000 motor vehicle deaths), resulting in a YPLL toll of 2.7 million annually, or an average of 29 years. By contrast, the 2.5 million YPLL toll calculated by Elledge for COVID-19 is higher than the annual loss that the CDC attributes to suicide (1.8 million), homicide (944,000), chronic lower respiratory disease (1.5 million), and diabetes (1.2 million)—all of which are considered serious problems worthy of national attention.
Contrary to Elledge’s implication, however, people who emphasize the age distribution of COVID-19 deaths are not saying those deaths are “minimal” or don’t matter. They are saying that years of potential life lost, and perhaps also the quality of those years, should be considered when weighing the costs and benefits of policies aimed at curtailing the epidemic. Elledge seems to agree.
We know the fact the Asteroid is passing very close the mother earth on NOV-2-2020 and chances are 1/1000 hit planet. Is that possible one or one more after this that yet we have not seen or been not told?
There’s hundreds if not thousands of Asteroids passing by the Earth on a monthly basis. Most are far away with little no chance of hitting Earth. However even in recent months there’s been some really big ones of a half mile or more across that have passed very close by, some even between the Earth and Moon.
There’s a lot of APPS you can run on your phone or tablet to track them, and a number of websites. Here’s a link to NASA Asteroid Tracker for one. Go to Google and search for Asteroid Trackers or similar to find even more to follow and watch.
In addition to the above reply when you go to that site, you’ll see there are 5 Asteroids passing by Earth today. One is 25 feet across and missing Earth by 218,000 miles. That’s about 12,000 miles closer to
Earth than the Moon is. So that’s an example how some come a lot closer than we realize. I believe most Asteroids of that size will burn up when they enter Earth’s Atmosphere and will never hit the planet. When they get up over about a quarter mile wide they may cause some significant local damage, and over 1 mile wide will cause world-wide issues. They believe the Asteroid that cause the Dinosaurs to become extinct, was between 6 and 9 miles wide.