People worried about the climate crisis are deciding not to have children.
They fear that their offspring would have to struggle through a climate apocalypse.
In a new research, 600 people aged 27 to 45 were surveyed.
It turns out that 96% were very or extremely concerned about the wellbeing of their potential future children in a climate-changed world.
“The fears about the carbon footprint of having kids tended to be abstract and dry,” said Matthew Schneider-Mayerson, of Yale-NUS College in Singapore, who led the study. “But the fears about the lives of existing or potential children were really deep and emotional. It was often heartbreaking to pore through the responses – a lot of people really poured their hearts out.”
The research also found that 6% of parents expressed regret over having their children.
This first study shows how some people are thinking and feeling about what many consider to be the most important decision in their lives…
The results also show how MSM and climate change propaganda are working full power. There is indeed growing evidence of climate anxiety and people being distressed about the state of the environment.
More environmental news on The Guardian, Strange Sounds and Steve Quayle.
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I can attest i was first one said no vaccine and digital passport you can not travel. Now This one hot for strange sounds beloved reader.
No jab? You’re barred! Bars, restaurants, cinemas and sports venues could turn away anyone who hasn’t had a Covid-19 vaccine, minister warns
Restaurants, bars & cinemas may turn people away if they haven’t had a jab
Airlines have already been examining the idea of asking for ‘immunity passports’
Some experts tonight said they were uneasy about such schemes .
As i said gates of hell opened up double with OCT 31-2020 and Nov 29-30 Full moon partial eclipse. Quakes are on rise and
Mohsen Fakhrizadeh the father of Iranian bomb was killed by MKO. and possible was false flag operation by terrorist regime of Iran. Today another head of milityary in Iran was killed by Israelis drone near Iraq and Syria. The next 96 hours we will see a lot of news. I do apologise strange sounds for suddenly the news is too much too share. Nothing is known until DEC 14
when all electrol colledges will decide the faith of new President of USA either Trump or ? Untill then so much news has happened. Both USA and Israel are bracing for war and are in total readiness?
50-60 years ago you saw pregnant women all over the place.
Hate to admit it but this might actually be evidence of natural selection.
The entire Climate emergency scam was one of the options of studies done after WW2 in the event that peace broke out. Old Mr Monopoly Man himself Maurice Strong introduced David Rockefeller to the Seirra Club in 1974 as the one who would bring in a World Monetary Fund IMF that would be able to tax all countries into a Socialist World Government. Actually he had invested heavily in Geely Motor of China and just wanted to sell cheap dangerous cars in the USA. He got caught and escaped to China but he funded Michal Man and Penn Sates tree ring scam. ALL PUBLIC RECORD.
Red pills don’t work on stupid people, that have been programmed by marxist-satanist perverts in media and schools. They develop oikophobia, and will easily follow their leaders into h3ll.
It has been the plan for quite some time.
Globull warming is a scam. Climate change occurs naturally. Look at the ice core samples.
you say it
You’ve been putting out some good material on your website. Keep up the hard work. Thanks for doing it too.
We are in depopulation sttae progrms. They want to reduce 90 percent of population by 2030? COVID 20 that made lock downs in the world. Black Friday in Israel was so impacted so malls are not essentials , when it comes to corporations is okay . But lock down the rest ?Black Friday was at least 30 percent less than a year.
Now Chinese scientists claim coronavirus originated in INDIA in summer 2019 amid heatwave ‘that forced humans and animals to drink the same water’
Chinese scientists claim to have evidence Covid did not originate in the country
Researchers say their evidence points to virus emerging in Bangladesh, the USA, Greece, Australia, India, Italy, Czech Republic, Russia or Serbia
They say it is likely the virus originated in India during heatwave last summer
It is not the first time China has pointed the finger of blame elsewhere, previously accusing the US and Italy of being the source
We have so far no news of people died or injured in black friday but pending by 11pm your time.