What a video…
The film features a heart-moving discussion from a North Korean defector and her insight on what’s happening in America today, as well as her views of Trump’s handling of Kim Jong Un…
Although pretty long, it is well worth your time.
The ones who are pushing for socialism are the ones who really need to pay attention.
More political videos on Strange Sounds and Steve Quayle.
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Queen of London brought Ayatoolah Khomanie born in India.
Queen of London is going to divide this nation and conquor it again.
Remember when that disaster struck the mountain side where Norky pig had his nuclear missile silo?
How exactly did that happen?
Another article claimed Norky Pig died, and they are using a body double. The picture of the doppelganger looked different. More fat rolls on the neck and wrists. Obviously, eating the more fattening bug soups with crispy deep fried peasant toppings.
I read on a website that Norky Pig and the Ayatollah Goathumpers were on our cia-payroll. Black ops sites. I read it a while ago. Sounded plausible. You never know. Wouldn’t surprise me in the least.