Chainsaws were originally invented for childbirth

chainsaw were invented for childbirth
chainsaw were invented for childbirth

When you see a chainsaw hacking down a tree, the thought probably furthest from your mind is “I bet that would work well for childbirth”.

Well, get ready to think that forevermore, because it turns out that chainsaws were first designed for hacking away at genitals, before being applied to oak.

Childbirth may not always be easy today, but in a time before nitrous oxide, sanitation, and our good friend copious amounts of morphine, it was significantly worse.

The first written record we have of a successful cesarian section (C-section) comes from Switzerland in the 1500s, performed by a professional cow-castrator on his wife.

According to the account, the mother and child survived, with the baby living to be 77-years-old.

In the US

The first published account of C-sections in the US meanwhile is far more horrific. In an 1830 edition of the Western Journal of Medical and Physical Sciences, Dr John L. Richmond described the case of a difficult birth during a storm.

After many hours, with labor failing to progress, the doctor believed the woman’s life to be in grave danger and “feeling a deep and solemn sense of my responsibility, with only a case of common pocket instruments, about one o’clock that night, I commenced the Caesarean Section.

Using the blade of a crooked pair of scissors, he cut into the mother and attempted to remove the fetus. However, “as it was uncommonly large, and the mother very fat, and having no assistance, I found this part of my operation more difficult than I had anticipated,” he wrote.

With the mother in too much agony, he decided that “a childless mother was better than a motherless child” and set about saving the mother and removing the fetus.

This is all to illustrate that before antiseptics and anesthetics in medicine, C-sections were extremely high-risk and thus rare.

The childbirth chainsaw

Far more common, from 1597 until when C-sections became safe, was a surgical procedure known as a symphysiotomy, in which the pubic symphysis – a joint made of cartilage above the vulva – is cut to widen the pelvis and make childbirth go more smoothly.

Like all surgical procedures of the time, it wasn’t without risk, and speed was of the essence. The less time spent operating, the less likely the patient would go into shock or develop a deadly infection.

In the late 18th century, two Scottish doctors, John Aitken and James Jeffray, came up with a solution for getting the job done much more quickly and efficiently: an actual chainsaw for the groin.

The world’s first chainsaw was a flexible saw based on a watch chain with teeth that were moved around with a hand-crank. Now, rather than look down and see a doctor cutting away at your pelvis, you could look down and see the far more reassuring sight of a doctor furiously cranking a chainsaw like they were sharpening a pencil.

The truly horrific part of this is that somebody going to town on your nether regions with a chainsaw was actually a vast improvement. The device, finally produced in 1806, went on to be used for removing diseased joints and was eventually mechanized.

It wasn’t until 1905 that somebody thought of this horror device and decided to apply it to trees.

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  1. this tall-tale is like most of your ‘stories’ — full of bs.
    millennials will believe anything in print or in their ‘social media’.
    chainsaws were invented to cut down trees in europe not to aid in ‘childbirth.’
    no wonder millennials are so damn stupid.

  2. One time I had a tumbleweed thorn get stuck in my hand. It got infected after a couple of weeks. I got out the exacto knife, and excised it. If you pinch the area around the infection really hard, and cut in to the area, it doesn’t hurt as much.

    Anyway out popped a calcified ball the size of a small pea had formed around the thorn. It was pretty weird.

    Those old medical devices fetch pretty strong money at auction. If you find any, look them up online.

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