Black women try to understand wtf this Amber Heard verdict has to do with them???


There is a newspaper article entitled:’Amber Heard Verdict Sends A Message To Black Women Everywhere‘…

Amber Heard verdict black women
Amber Heard verdict and what it means for black women. Via Roots

Now many black women are trying to understand wtf this has to do with them?

Reporters assignment for every single article: How can you make this about Black people? Or even better: How can we victimize black people in this story (and all the others)? is now running ad-free CLICK HERE TO SUPPORT MY WORK… I will send you a small gemstone if you give more than 25$… Thanks in advance!

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  1. It is Queen of London to make divide USA and conquer same as what are doing in Iran. Please we never free indeed and ow all news papers covers queen 70 years to light the palace.. The NWO is queen of London wants to own all world. any questions ask me please.look at our freedom now be taken to adjust for NWO?

  2. It is Queen of London to make divide USA and conquer same as what are doing in Iran. Please we never free indeed and ow all news papers covers queen 70 years to light the palace.. The NWO is queen of London wants to own all world. any questions ask me please.

  3. I don’t pay attention to Hollyweirdos and their disputes. Sounds like the article is more agit-propaganda to divide people?

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