For the first time since last September, when lava stopped running from Fagradalsfjall, a new fissure eruption has now started on the Reykjanes Peninsula, Iceland.
As confirmed by Einar Hjörleifsson from the Icelandic Met Office, the volcanic eruption is taking place along a a 100-meter-long crack down Meradalir volcano by Fagranesfjall, and about 1.5 km north of Stóra Hrút.
It appears at first glance to be larger than the eruption that occurred at Fagradalsfjall in the spring of 2021.
Air quality may worsen as large amount of gas is being released in the atmosphere.
Magnús Tumi Guðmundsson, professor of geophysics, has made an investigative helicopter flight. Here are the first images of the eruption: has been banned from ad networks and is now entirely reader-supported CLICK HERE TO SUPPORT MY WORK… I will send you a small gemstone if you give more than 25$… Thanks in advance!
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Well just World War 3 is started in multiple fronts and Nancy Pelosi brought fruits of World war 3 by visiting Taiwan. She brought 20 .0 Earth Quake for all the world…
Indian television explains why China doesn’t just invade Taiwan…
China Opens Corridor for Pelosi to LEAVE Taiwan; She has departed
World Hal Turner 03 August 2022 Hits: 14816
China and the US worked out a safe flight corridor for Speaker Nancy Pelosi so her US Air Force plane could safely depart from Taiwan. Reports are coming in as of 7:30 AM EDT that the Speaker’s aircraft has, in fact, safely departed.
Attack without contact destroyed Iran Internet and was done by drones… We welcome the ending of Iran regime by all means. Iran soon will be officially be an atomic nation. Bomb Bomb Iran now…
My prediction was correct for the August kick-off, told many people this and now a bunch have messaged me. It will kick off in the waters South East of Singapore, as they are a target to stop all oil/gas flow for these regions.
South West no East sorry.
REMEMBER WHAT THE LORD SAID…VOLCANOS AND EARTHQUAKES JUST BEFORE THE END,and amazing things in the sky,LIKE ASTEROIDS,and some of them will be big ones..THE SIZE OF MOUNTAINS,are you ready to meet him???..a lot of you will be ,AND THE MORONS RUNNING AMERICA WANT NUCLEAR WAR…a war you won’t win..