Yes, that’s another amazing coincidence…
The CDC just updated the toxilogical profile of Vinyl Chloride in january 2023… See the two versions (2006 and 2023) below…
Here’s a major change found by one of the reader of the newsletter!
‘And now GO to page 71 of the old and page 42 of the new ‘safety’ profile:
in 2006, quote:
‘At high concentrations (>30,000 ppm), vinyl chloride was been shown to sensitize the heart to epinephrine, resulting in cardiac arrhythmias in dogs (Clark and Tinston 1973).
No histopathological changes in the heart were noted in guinea pigs exposed o 400,000 ppm of vinyl chloride for 30 minutes (Mastromatteo et al. 1960).’
in 2023, quote:
‘At high concentrations (>150,000 ppm), vinyl chloride was shown to sensitize the heart to epinephrine, resulting in cardiac arrhythmias in dogs (Carr et al. 1949).
‘No histopathological changes in the heart were noted in guinea pigs exposed to 400,000 pm of vinyl chloride for 30 minutes (Mastromatteo et al. 1960).’
And NOW the 2023 version justifies CARDIAC issues of vinyl chloride in new added section, quote:
‘This was demonstrated in a dog study where the EC50 for cardiac sensitization for vinyl chloride was determined to be 50,000 ppm (Clark and Tinston 1973).
‘Cardiac sensitization by halogenated hydrocarbons generally occurs at very high air concentrations (0.5–90%) when the compounds were tested as anesthetic agents in experimental studies (Brock et al. 2003). Therefore, it appears unlikely that individuals exposed to low levels of vinyl chloride will experience these effects.‘
Changing definitions or deleting websites are the new ways the elites are using to cover up their evil agenda… Was this Ohio’s Chernobyl intentional?
Link to January 2023 CDC pdf…
Link to CDC 2006 pdf…
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Off topic:
Is anyone on this thread a perfect person?
No, of course not. We all make mistakes. However, when President Trump rips bozobiden a new one, it sure makes me happy.?
Yummmy, let’s all eat fake meat tumors and get some bilbo gates cancer:
This crap is not popular to eat. However, it will lead to cancer, so bilbo gates( the satanic shitbag ) wants you to gobble down some of his meat tumors. Bon appetite!
50cal, Trump is a sa.tanist just like R.D. and everyone in world government. The self-proclaimed “father of the v” cannot be nor has been misled by anyone other than himself and his father, who is not Yahweh. Fauci loves DJT and their “hatred” is 100% staged. DJT also approved fivejee towers to be installed everywhere, even in Florida too.
Tyrants like you shouldn’t have ANY ability to delete nor censor anything.
Off topic:
Bozobiden and his regime want WOKE AI
That’s the last thing we need. We need bozobiden to cut the crap, and get out of his basement. He and Petey Buttclown have shirked their responsibilty to protect Americans, and neglected to help our people suffering from the gas attack in Ohio. We don’t need more Wokey Hokey Pokey crap, nor indoctrination of children with marxist-satanist pedohomo wokey weirdos. Enough of this crap already!
Vinyl Chloride Spokes Demon:
Trust the Government ?
I don’t believe anyone trusts the government except brainwashed douchewads.
Off topic:
Swiss News /Alain Berset Covid Criminal:
Didn’t expect this?
Ah so, now we have Mr. Teeny Wang criticizing U.S. redchinesey puppet presidents.
Haaahhaa, all while they incinerate dissidents, organ harvest without anesthesia or consent, torture animals so their blood is charged, create bioweapons and plague the earth. How rich is that?
You think all Chinese people are evil because of the CCP? Your disgusting racist R.C. slur makes it astonishing… you call yourself “human”. U.S. Babalon presidents and go.vernors are equally as evil as they are, pat.rio.tism is pagan idol.atry.
Changed your email and troll name from Anonymous to Visitor since everybody figured out you are a trollbecile. Nobody else does that crap besides trolls that ruin threads with repetitive drivel.
Lame. Go make a new sockpuppet account.
No racism, his redchinesey name is Wang. I get along fine with American Chinese people, stupid lefty imbecile throws the race card…hahaahhaa
Showing your commie colors. Red diaper baby. Bwahaha
Off topic:
Looks like thousands of protesters hit the streets in front of pfizer H.Q. demanding Nuremberg II trials for crimes against humanity.
About time, and in new york too, which is filled with lefties.
I hope Yahweh demolishes you for your xenophobia and massive wickedness, 50cal. He did NOT play nice with Babalon (Jeremiah 51)nor with the Pharisees. You are a modern day viper/Pharisee.
“Get along fine with Chinese American People” is very questionable. How would they feel if they saw your racist and childish comments here 50cal? Racism is a sin too. “Right/Left” is an illusion in the world of politics, the most “red” states like West Virginia and Mississippi have the most vaxxxinated and sickest populaces and highest rates of child traffiking.
The Movie Right At Your Door with 3 endings ? Any questions!
I am a disciple, i do not call myself a “Christian/”ChristIam” per se. Where did I compare utter accusers and revilers like you to that? You’re the one who’s spamming this site, 50loser. I hate bullying/name calling but your “Christian character” is completely satanic and it’s tearing young people away from Christ en masse.
So it’s just the new beast marks and this nasty Vinyl Chloride/Ohio leakage stuff… cannot possily be all those safe, real, wonderful beast marks we’ve been forcefully putting into babies and children for decades, right?
https://odysee.com/@JesusSaves:4/Sudden-Infant-Death-Syndrome:6 (is caused by safe real stuffs made by america and the world governments)
This is NOT a precursor at all: https://odysee.com/@JesusSaves:4/the-mark-richie:5
https://odysee.com/@JesusSaves:4/deleted:18 (do not let your children receive any marks of the beast)
I see nothing in USA or Japan that says Yah shouldn’t damn these nations, I wish nothing evil on its poor people let alone babies or children, but the governments and pitiful, antichrist societies of both nations? USA takes out her own troops with the mark: https://odysee.com/@JesusSaves:4/the-spanish-flu-was-not-the-killer-it-was-the-vaccine-killing-people-just-like-now-youtubetomp34.com:4
USA Babylon has deliberately and secretly poisoned her own citizens (slaves) since her inception by freemasons for a Masonic technological “utopia”, and I suspect very strongly that this Ohio leak is another distraction since the a. word developmental disorder started making mainstream news headlines again, they don’t want us focused on the dangers of childhood “thorns” (vexxines) or how to get aluminum out of the brain. More people are awakening to the harsh and disgusting realities of “life” in East Asia even Japan also, concrete jungles, lack of children, urbanization, horrendous education systems (more kids refuse to attend school than ever in Japan, according to the Japan Reporter on youtube) and that nation is supposed to be the “role model” for babylon? Give me a break.
You post repetitive drivel. Nothing worth reading. Nothing with merit. Nothing noteworthy. Just drivel. You are a certifiable nut case.
Anonymous aka Visitor. Same shit day in and day out. Had to change his name, email, and icon. Wonder why?
You are a ??.
Disciple of BS. You need help. You have delusions of grandeur.
You’re the one who needs help. You’re obviously an accuser and reviler. I am not putting myself above God nor calling myself him.
Change your name and email again to ??. lolollolllollllolllll
You’re the delusional bee-es one here. You’re the clown for choosing USA Babalon and your men/women in power over Yeshua.
Vinyl Chloride Video Taped in Contaminated Creek, Ohio:
See that oily residue on water surface upon agitation of sediment? That kills fish. Very bad looking situation right there. Well water could also be contaminated. What the hell!
Kristin Taylor at TGP did report.
Vinyl Cbloride Blame Game:
Typical buttclownery tactics from the token sodomite. We see this all too often from the leftist trash. Blame game type garbage. Blame Trump. Blame Russia. Old, stale, dull, moronic faggotry.
Vinyl Chloride/ -3° here in the mountains.
Typo from cold fingers.
You obviously have rejected Christ in favor of these foolish and disgusting political websites and your idols.
You are a fake Christian. Nobody listens to your annoying drivel.
Trump is a satan.ist and a Jesuit-trained Roman Catholic/jyu. You are a fascist 50cal! If we no longer have the freedom to righteously expose DJT/RD/JL/etc you have turned our nation into North Korea with the “lesser evil” party. Trump looks disgusting and obese and scaly like a reptilian, why would I put my salvation into DJT let alone satan.ist RD and his pro v partner JL?
Trump is a j.ish freemason and he rolled out the injections. RD is very likely the antichrist beast who will be crowned and rule with an iron fist, as in the book of Revelation. The beast appears angelic and looks outwardly human, but inside is a ravenous, bloodthirsty, triple helix creature.
This is done by Russian … We know Russians already brought 10 nukes cases and hide them for the day of judgment. The news was about 20-25 years old… Now we can not find the traces of the news
story any where.. If any one find it please put it .. BBC of London was the source of it.. Why BBC
deleted it?
Lolollolllollllolllll, BBC
Depopulation tactics are a multi-pronged attack:
• mRNA fake vaxx poison
• Environmental poison
• Media mind poison
• Food supply injected/infused with poison
• Alcohol is poison
• Nicotine is poison
• Rx poisons
• Street drug poisons
Takes alot of different tactics to prune down all us peons. Burn down food manufacturing plants, punish farmers for using fertilizers, make fish radioactive (Fukishima), GMO in grains, Glyphosate, inject livestock with mRNA, introduce insects as a food, install satanists in every facet of our sacred institutions, corrupt all pillars of society, promote sodomites, lesbians, pedophiles, transexuals, install marxist perverts in our schools, destroy the nuclear family, 70,000,000 child sacrifices.
Pretty hard to MAGA with this shit going on.
* It’s spelled “Fukushima” not “Fukishima” as someone who has studied both English and Japanese for many years
* “Real” vaxx’s have k.lled and maimed millions of children around the world for decades, not just the “fake” vaxx
*M.AGA is a Flump cult and this man rolled out those “fake” v’s
*”Sacred” institutions seriously remind me of Hinduism/Freemasonry
*”Red Pill” is equally as toxic and soul destroying as “Blue Pill” only Yah/Yeshua Jesus saves, not R.D. nor Flump nor anyone else.
* R.D. and his medical board and Ladapo are 100% pro “safe real v’s” that have handicapped and maimed millions of children with severe and life-threatening dysphoria, a.u.tis.m, developmental disorders, SIDS, etc. this isn’t disinfo nor drivel but solid fact, as seen on Health Impact News and TimTruth’s Odysee channel
* U.S was created by Freemasons to create a technological “utopia”/Masonic Atlantis from the very start, I suspect the same with East Asia/even Ja.pa.n and South Korea also.
*R.D. wants to ban criticism of world j.wry under “anti-s.m.itis.m laws” while boasting free speech, he’s the new E Lawn Mu.s.k.rat and R.D. is a j.w and freemason with Catholic ties.
Take your meds whacko.
You spell like a faggot too. All paranoid like people are monitoring your drivel. You are a pathetic loser. Go get your grindr groove going. lolollolllollllolllll
Yes RD has been voted j of the year by the floridians. He is just another zionist christian fool.
Probably a sock puppet from our trollbecile.
If DeSantis is so bad, then why have millions fled blue shithole cities and moved to Florida. Are millions of people wrong, and you and your pet feggethole, Visitor are right?
I hope Yah destroys modern J.ap.an and the United States of Babylon instead of this M.A.G.A. garbage. High ranking freemason books openly tell you that Amerika was and is Egypt, Rome twisted and reversed our world history into the “middle east” and YOU delight too much in sin to see it.
Cursing for genocide, just like a fake Christian buttclown. People laugh at your lame ass trolling.
Florida will become very horrible to live in very soon, you liar and reviler 50cal. Joe isn’t me either. You think everyone who speaks the truth against these men, is somehow me, because you are a militant bully and a false accuser 50cal.
Florida is already a very dangerous place for children, as proven by Health Impact News and TimTruth. RD and JL are zionist mass mer.der.rers disguised as saviours. Neither one opposes nor has stopped distributing the toxic marks of the beast anywhere in the state, nor do they stop parents from putting them into their children.