If the West carries on as it is, obtaining Uranium might become particularly difficult; perhaps that’s why the US is stocking up?

The United States bought 416 tonnes of uranium from Russia in the first half of 2023, which is 2.2 times bigger than in the same period last year and the largest amount since 2005, Sputnik has calculated using data of the US federal statistical system.
In the first six months of 2022, the US bought 188 tonnes of uranium from Russia, and 418 tonnes in January-July 2005.
Russia supplies the US only with uranium-235 enriched fuel, which is the country’s main “radioactive” imports. However, the analysis also took into account data on imports of natural and depleted uranium, which the US purchases from other countries.
The cost of imported Russian uranium amounted to $696.5 million, which is the highest value since 2002, the year when the US started to break data down by months. The cost of supplies increased 2.5 times year-over-year, and Russia’s share in US uranium imports grew by 13 percentage points to 32%.
The US also significantly increased its purchases of uranium from the United Kingdom in 2023 – by 28% to $383.1 million, bringing it to just under 18% of all imports. The most significant increase was observed in France’s exports, which stood at $319 million, 15% of total imports, in 2023 against $1.9 million a year earlier.
Less than a year ago, amidst the worst of the energy crisis, over half of France’s nuclear reactors were offline: Europe is in trouble as FOUR more of France’s nuclear power stations to go offline over winter
US nuclear power companies rely on cheap enriched uranium made in Russia. In June, The New York Time reported that US companies were paying around $1 billion to Russia’s state nuclear corporation Rosatom to purchase nuclear fuel which generates over half of the US nuclear energy.
If the West carries on as it is, obtaining Uranium might become particularly difficult; perhaps that’s why the US is stocking up? [Sputnik]
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I thought the sanctions prevented the U.S from doing business with Russia.