What is going on in our Solar System?
Is there an asteroid attack? After three near misses in nearly 2 weeks, now two large fireballs have changed the night into day over Wisconsin and Illinois and Brazil while Comet 45P approaches Earth.
The American Meteor Sciaty has received over 170 reports from IL, WI, MI, IN, OH, IA, NY, Ontario, KY and MN about a fireball event that occurred on Monday, February 6th 2017 around 01:27CST (07:31 UT.).
The green fireball was seen primarily from Illinois and Wisconsin but witnesses from Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Iowa, New York, Kentucky, Minessota and Ontario (Canada) also reported the event.
The preliminary estimated trajectory plotted from the witness reports shows the meteor was traveling from the Southwest to Northeast and ended its flight on the Lake Michigan somewhere between Sheboygan, Wi and Manitowoc wi as shown in this last video:
A brght fireball was also spotted by Brazilian Cameras end of January 2017:
In the last 3 weeks, three NEOs shaved the Earth at a distance closer than the Earth-Moon. Now, A small comet named “45P/Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova” is approaching Earth. At closest approach on Feb. 11th, the comet will be 7.4 million miles from our planet, visible in binoculars and small telescopes.

This is the 8th closest pass of any comet in the modern era (since ~1950, when modern technology started being used to study comets). It will only be 31 times farther from Earth than the Moon.
Is there a comet/asteroid attack currently going on?
[…] Asteroid attack? Large fireballs change night into day over Wisconsin and Illinois, Brazil while Com… Photographer Hernando Rivera snapped these incredible images of lightning vs. lava at Mexican volcano Bright green fireball illuminates the sky over Illinois, US–witnesses from Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Iowa, New York, Kentucky, Minnesota and Ontario also reported the event. Police Officer: Almost All Serious Crime Committed By Migrants:SWEDEN Exposed: How world leaders were duped into investing billions over manipulated global warming data […]
[…] http://strangesounds.org/2017/02/asteroid-attack-large-fireballs-wisconsin-illinois-brazil-video-com… ΑΠΟΔΟΣΗ ΑΠΟ ΤΟ STRANGE SOUNDS : corfiatiko.blogspot.gr […]
[…] What is going on in our Solar System? Is there an asteroid attack? After three near misses in nearly 2 weeks, now two large fireballs have changed the night into day over Wisconsin and Illinois and Brazil while Comet 45P approaches Earth. The American Meteor Sciaty has received over 170 reports from IL, WI, MI, IN, OH, IA, NY, Ontario, KY and MN about a fireball event that occurred on Monday, February 6th 2017 around 01:27CST (07:31 UT.). The green fireball was seen primarily from Illinois and Wisconsin but witnesses from Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Iowa, New York, Kentucky, Minessota and Ontario (Canada) also reported the event. FULL STORY […]
[…] Asteroid attack? Large fireballs change night into day over Wisconsin and Illinois, Brazil while Com… […]
The Comet that fragmented and impacted Jupiter awhile back had multiple explosions that were estimated to be the size of the Earth.Thank God the planet’s gravity is powerful enough to be the solar system’s Vacuum cleaner. Thanks
If asteroid hits earth there would pieces of asteroid pieces.But if it was a comet hitting earth,you would get the blast of earth.But no fragments as they would have dissolved.
My God!!!!!! this is becoming just like BIN ( before it is news) With losers such as Alex Jones.
The funny thing is mel, Alex is about 95% accurate. You just dont want to accept it.
MEL is working to protect the child molesters in the government,HE SOLD HIS SOUL TO SATAN for bread crumbs,and is TOO stupid to know he won’t be able to buy it back………
No! It’s all true! The voices in my head told me so!