More than 50,000 lightnings struck France and UK last night


More than 50,000 lightning strikes were recorded over Great Britain, France and the English Channel in the night between April 21 and April 22, 2018. This is a pretty impressive figure for mid-April.

60000 lightnings france uk, 60000 lightnings france uk video, 60000 lightnings france uk gif, 60000 lightnings france uk picture
Here a GIF picture of the amazing lightning blast over France and UK.
60000 lightnings france uk, 60000 lightnings france uk video, 60000 lightnings france uk gif, 60000 lightnings france uk picture
More than 50,000 lightnings recorded in the sky over France and UK between April 21 and 22, 2018.

And here a video of a storm captured over souhern UK:

Very impressive, isn’t it?

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