Mysterious Fish Mass Die-off in Lake Texoma Texas June 17 2013
Bruce Hysmith and his team from the Texas Park and Wildlife Department have been studying the dead fish in Lake Texoma since last week. – HISZ and KTEN
Mysterious Fish Die-off in Pond in Temple Texas June 17 2013
It’s a mystery that has people in Central Texas scratching their heads when they found hundreds of fish turning up dead in a Temple pond this weekend. – KCETV
Strange: Almost two dozen peacocks found dead in Rajasthan India June 17 2013
23 peacocks were found dead at two different places in Rajasthan after consuming suspected poisonous food grains. Who would kill such nice birds? – Times of India
Mystery death of a killer whale calf at marine park on the island of Tenerife Spain June 17 2013
A killer-whale calf owned by SeaWOrld Entertainment Inc. died this week at Loro Parque, a marine park in Tenerife, Spain. – Orlando Sentinel