Strange Earth Phenomenon: Discover the Mysterious “Seven Coloured Earths” at Chamarel on Mauritius


Colored Earth? You said colored earth?

The Seven Colored Earths is an amazing geological phenomenon on Mauritius!

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Can you imagine this? Not even in your dreams! This mysterious place is reportedly the only location in the World where one can see earth of seven different colors in one place.

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This geological oddity called “The Seven Coloured Earths” is situated at Chamarel on the island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean.

These multi-colored dunes display a variety of sand in seven distinct colors: red, brown, violet, green, blue, purple and yellow. The color and its intensity changes with daily light.

The Seven Coloured Earths on mauritius island

Geologists have been fascinated with the Colored Earths ever since they were first discovered. This natural phenomenon has several unsolved mysteries:

  • The colors never disappear in spite of torrential downpours and the sand dunes never erode.
  • The Coloured Earths has a strange property of settling into their individual colors. Even if they are mixed with other colors, they will eventually settle back into layers of individual color.

The dunes are protected and visitors are prevented from walking atop the formation. Shops near the dunes sell small test-tubes filled with the Coloured Earths for tourist to enjoy.

What a colorful sight! This mystery place must be fantastic to visit. Hope I’ll make it once!

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  1. I hope you do get to see it one day!

    When I was a kid we were allowed to walk on the dunes and I have wonderful memories running atop of them. Now it’s all closed off. All for the better or they would probably deteriorate very fast…

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