This video was caught early in the morning on August 12, 2013 from a backyard in Victorville, CA by photographer and digital artist Michael K. Chung. He said he couldn’t believe what he saw when he was processing images he took for a timelapse of the Perseid meteor shower. It appears he captured a meteor explosion and the resulting expansion of a shock wave or debris ring.
This is what he wrote on his VIMEO site after Universe Today had a look to his video:
After being fortunate to have Universe Today cross post my vid, I learned more about the phenomena recorded here. While this does show a meteor breaking apart, the resulting, expanding ring is called a “persistent train” and is NOT a debris ring. Rather, it is glowing gas – charged gas that has been heated by compression caused by the meteor and giving off electrons (similar to how a neon sign works). It happens fairly often but it isn’t so regularly documented.
Pretty amazing, no? The fade to white is NOT an edit- it is overexposure due to the sun coming up. The timelapse sequence of the explosion and expanding gas span an actual time of approximately 20 minutes. This second video also features some other explody-Perseids this year caught by Steve Knight from the UK. Here his description:
Take a look at top of screen at 15 sec, fireball followed by expanding cloud of debris, same at top right at 19 sec! Andromeda Galaxy (M31) clearly visible drifting in from the left.
Personally, I’ve never seen anything like this. What about you?
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