Orionid Meteor Shower: Huge Grazing Meteor over New Mexico – October 19 2013


Despite a bright moon, the Orionid meteor shower produced some amazing cosmic sights for stargazers. Here some videos coming back on the 15 Orionid meteors detected, including two brilliant fireballs.

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A bright grazing  fireball was caught on video over New Mexico on October 19, 2013

Fireball network catches a very bright Meteor streaking across the sky in a Southwest Motion Saturday, October 19 at 8:16 PM local time. The fireball was picked up New Mexico State University meteor camera. It looks to be a grazing fireball. Credit: NASA / N M State university

Here another video showing some of the 15 Orionid fireballs caught by the NASA all-sky network on October 20 2013.

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