There is an incoming solar storm with Earth-directed component
On July 30, 2014, a dark magnetic filament erupted from the Sun surface!

The bright CME caught by cameras of the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory was travelling at amazing 700 km/s (1565855 mph)… WOW!
The dark magnetic filament (picture above taken near the mysterious spotted lake) erupted on July 30, 2014. Although the solar storm is not coming straight to Earth, it does have an Earth-directed component.
Scientists have calculated that this sun storm will alter Earth’s magnetic field on August 2nd. The storm cloud should create auroras in the northern sky.
Too bad this incoming solar storm has not erupted before. The national day of Switzerland is on August 1, 2014 and I would have liked to watch natural fireworks over the Alps! Hopefully next year!
[…] Astronomers with backyard solar telescopes are encouraged to monitor the structure as it turns toward Earth. A photogenic explosion may be in the offing. […]
[…] Incoming Solar Storm: Dark Magnetic Filament Erupts From The Sun […]
[…] ready for a sh*t storm on Aug. 2nd – Strange Sounds – There is an incoming solar storm with Earth-directed component On July 30, 2014, a dark magnetic filament erupted from the Sun surface! “Scientists have […]