Flash? Lightning Almost Strikes Woman Filming A Double Rainbow in Sweden (VIDEO)


This Swedish woman has got the shock of her lifetime as a lightning struck right in front of her while she was filming a double rainbow.

Ingela Tanneskog was so taken with the calm beauty of the rainbow after a fierce storm that she pulled out her phone and filmed it to share the memory.

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Flash? Lightning Almost Strikes Woman Filming A Rainbow in Sweden (VIDEO)

But seconds later a bolt of lightning came flashing down from the heavens and struck the woods ahead of her, accompanied with an almighty peal of thunder.

lightning, amazing lightning, after lightning, Flash? Lightning Almost Strikes Woman Filming A Rainbow in Sweden (VIDEO), Double raibow, sky lightining and remains of bolt that hit the ground in Sweden
Double raibow, sky lightining and remains of bolt that hit the ground in Sweden

A bit of a shock: Ingela Tanneskog was just filming a beautiful double rainbow when this happened.

The footage shows Ms Tanneskog’s point of view as she leaps for cover, despite being safely inside a house and behind a window.

In the face of sceptical comments, she wrote on YouTube to insist the video is authentic. ‘[The] thunderstorm had just passed by and the sun broke through and it was a double rainbow that emerged.

I really do believe this is not a fake strike. What about you?

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