The Dangerous Tengu Demon Mummy: A Legendary Supernatural Sky Creature in Ancient Japan


The Tengu demon mummy is a legendary supernatural sky creature, a dangerous demon often depicted in art as being part human and part bird.

The Hachinohe Museum (Aomori prefecture) in northern Japan is home to a tengu mummy.

Legend says this monster mummy has once belonged to Nambu Nobuyori, a Nambu clan leader who ruled the Hachinohe domain in the mid-18th century.

tengu, tengu demon, tengu mummy, tengu demon mummy, tenguy monster mummy, tengu mummy photo, The Tengu mummy at Hachinohe Museum. Feathers, bird feet and human skull! OMG!
The Tengu mummy at Hachinohe Museum. Feathers, bird feet and human skull! OMG!

The mummy, which appears to have a humanoid head and the feathers and feet of a bird, is believed to have originated in the town of Nobeoka (Miyazaki prefecture) in southern Japan.

Theories suggest the tengu mummy made its way north after being passed around between members of Japan’s ruling samurai families, some of whom were deeply interested in collecting and trading these curiosities.

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