A Strange Sky Phenomenon Occurred Over Mobile, Alabama – Sundog in a Distrail


This is probably a once-in-a-lifetime sky phenomenon!

Look at the amazing moment this sundog forms into a distrail over Mobile, Southern Alabama.

sundog forms in Distrail, distrail and sundog, strange sky phenomenon: sun dog in distrail, strange weather phenomena: sundog forms in distrail, An amazing picture of a sundog appearing within a distrail over Mobile on February 2014
Dennis Mersereau

Sometimes, with some luck and the right position you can catch two amazing phenomena in the same picture. That’s what happened to Dennis Mersereau in Mobile, Alabama, on the afternoon of February 7, 2014 at around 3:30pm.

This amazing weather event took place as an airplane sliced a thin deck of altocumulus clouds nearly in half with a distrail that featured a sundog square in the middle of it.

This first picture shows the distrail just starting to form after the aircraft flew through the clouds @ 3:30 pm:

sundog forms in Distrail, distrail and sundog, strange sky phenomenon: sun dog in distrail, strange weather phenomena: sundog forms in distrail, An amazing picture of a sundog appearing within a distrail over Mobile on February 2014, Incredible weather phenomena: Sundog appearing within a distrail over Mobile on February 2014
Dennis Mersereau

The next image presents the distrail beginning to spread @ 3:50pm:

sundog forms in Distrail, distrail and sundog, strange sky phenomenon: sun dog in distrail, strange weather phenomena: sundog forms in distrail, An amazing picture of a sundog appearing within a distrail over Mobile on February 2014, Incredible weather phenomena: Sundog appearing within a distrail over Mobile on February 2014, At the right moement: Incredible weather phenomena creates Sundog appearing within a distrail over Mobile on February 2014
Dennis Mersereau

At around 4:20pm, the altocumulus deck had almost entirely dissipated, leaving behind a thin wisp in what used to be the center of the distrail:

distrail sundog mobile alabama
Dennis Mersereau

Distrails are very similar to their more common counterpart, the spectacular fallstreak hole.

But a second phenomenon made the sky so unique. The little rainbow-colored shimmer inside the distrail is called a sun dog.

This sundog in a distrail is really breathtaking! Ever seen someting like this?

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