X2-flare creates radio blackout and radio burst over Pacific Ocean


After a period of unexpected calm, the sun is active again!

A sunspot unleashed an intense X2-class solar flare on May, 5 2015, shown in the following image by NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory:

X2-class solar flare, X2-class solar flare may 5 2015, x flare may 5 2015, solar storm, solar flare may 2015

This X2-flare triggered a strong radio blackout for frequencies below 20 MHz over the Pacific side of Earth as shown in the map below:

radio blackout x-flare may 2015, x2-flare radio black-out may 5 2015, x-flare radio blackout 2015, X2-class solar flare, X2-class solar flare may 5 2015, x flare may 5 2015, solar storm, solar flare may 2015
Extent of radio balckout around the world

This video presents the intense CME that hurled into space at more than 1100 km/s (2.5 million mph), but not heading for Earth:

Finally, the flare also caused a radio burst ressembling a roar very intricate if listened to with headphones:

This weird sound was produced by electrons generating a ripple of radio-loud plasma waves when they travelled through the sun’s atmosphere.

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