These 8 creepy photos show that Hell exists on Earth


Heaven is a place on a Earth.

And if that’s true, then hell is just two exits down on the left. Discover 8 creepy photos that prove hell exists on Earth.

1. Fire at a chemical factory in the Netherlands

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A kind of demoniac cobra coming out of a fire in The Netherlands.

2. Picture of a volcanic eruption at Fimmvorduhals in Iceland

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His shadow appeared above a volcano

3. Blood falls in Antarctica

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So, there’s a place called Blood Falls, located on the frozen, cruel and empty continent of Antarctica, that contains strange life forms which have been sealed away for untold ages, and have now awoken and spilled forth onto the world.

4. Woman with horn

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This woman has given her body over to demons who now walk the Earth in human skin, only distinguishable by their black eyes and the goddamn horns growing out of their heads.

5. The Satanic Leaf Tailed Gecko

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The satanic Geyco smiles, friends. It will smile.

6. The Serra da Leba Road near Lubango, Angola.

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This is Serra da Leba, a landmark in Angola. A road built in the 70’s, it’s been in the country’s postcard images for decades, but all shots were taken by day. I wanted something different and tried a night shot. But it seemed impossible: pitch dark, foggy, altitude of 1,800m (5,000ft). I wanted no more than 60sec of exposure, max, to avoid digital noise. But a car takes a few minutes to climb or descend this section of the road. The fog was dense and blocking the view! Suddenly the fog cleared, a few cars went down, others went up, they met in the middle in under 60sec…

7.  Fort Zverev

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In the 1970s, the place where they stored super-fire (hopefully to the surprise of nobody,) caught on fire. The resulting inferno burned so hot that it melted the bricks of the walls and ceiling so that they ran down like icicles.

8. The door to hell

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This place  near Darvaz, Uzbekistan is called by locals “The Door to Hell”. This giant eternal fire is due to geologist who foud a large underground cavern full of gas that they finally decided to ignite. It’s burning like hell since 35 years now and will continue until the gas has gone. But nobody knows when it will occur!

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