Mystery as 337 whales are discovered dead in remote waters of Patagonia – Largest whale die-off ever registered


This is a massive whale mass die-off. Actually the largest ever seen.

On June 23, 2015, a group of scientists discovered the bodies of 337 dead whales in the remote waters of Patagonia between the Gulf of Penas and Puerto Natales.

337 dead whales chile, 337 ballenas muertas en Chile, 337 dead whales patagonia chile, mysterious whale mass die-off chile, mystery as 337 whales die in chile, Fiscalía investiga varamiento de más de 300 ballenas entre el Golfo de Penas y Puerto Natales, Investigan varamiento de más de 300 ballenas entre el Golfo de Penas y Puerto Natales, Varamiento de 337 ballenas en Chile
The 337 dead whales were found in remote waters of Patagonia

The information leaked on November 17, 2015 over the website of the National Fisheries and Aquaculture, Sernapesca: 337 dead cetaceans, 305 bodies and 32 skeletons, had been discovered during a flyby on June 23, 2015.

But nobody knows why all of these whales died. What did happen?

337 dead whales chile, 337 ballenas muertas en Chile, 337 dead whales patagonia chile, mysterious whale mass die-off chile, mystery as 337 whales die in chile, Fiscalía investiga varamiento de más de 300 ballenas entre el Golfo de Penas y Puerto Natales, Investigan varamiento de más de 300 ballenas entre el Golfo de Penas y Puerto Natales, Varamiento de 337 ballenas en Chile
Aerial picture shot back on June 23, 2015 during a flyby. Photo: Carolina Simon Gutstein

Since whales are protected in Chile, a prosecutor is now in charge of the investigations.

In May 2015, 30 whales were found dead in the Gulf of Penas. Are these two mass kills related? They were killed by a red tide, you remember:

So is this red tide also responsible for the 337 whales killed in the same region of Chile? Could it be pollution? In any cases that’s terrible.

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