About 100 starlings were found dead along Interstate 5 north of Redding, California.
State officials are baffled and trying to figure out the origin of this bird mass die-off.
After hundreds of crows in Michigan and 13 bald eagles in Maryland, it’s now the residents of Redding, California who are confronted with an enigmatic mass die-off of nearly 100 starlings that suddenly fall from the sky.
The birds were first spotted on Saturday, March 26, 2016, along the I-5 just before the Wonderland Boulevard exit.
This is the first time official biologists hear about a bird die off in the region. And it is often hard to figure out what happened.
Were the birds killed by a passing car or truck? Or were they poisoned? Did they have any sickness?
The birds that weren’t in the roadway didn’t seem to show signs of trauma from crashing into vehicles or being struck. And if they were killed by disease or poison, why they would all be together. very unusual, very rare!
Is the air in the area so bad? What about a strong hailstorm?
The mysterious bird kill remains unexplained.