On May 2, 2016, 3 volcanoes erupted.
The volcanic unrest continues!
Turrialba volcano, Costa Rica
Just after a series of minor earthquakes between the Turrialba and the Irazu volcanoes, the Turrialba volcano erupted in Costa Rica as shown in the picture below:
The Turrialba volcano continues to record sustained seismic tremor of variable amplitude as well as frequent but small explosions with moderate ash emissions, aerosols and gases forming eruptive plumes reaching 500 meters to 1km above the active crater (Crater West).
Santa Maria Volcano, Guatemala
The Santa Maria volcano is currently in an increased volcanic activity phase since about two weeks. After explosions on April 11 and April 23, the volcano erupted again on May 2, 2016 sending ash and gas several thousand meters in the air. Awesome pictures below:
Sakurajima Volcano, Japan
The Japanese volcano Sakurajima is situated in southern Kyushu where the deadly M6.4 earthquake struck mid April 2016. Did this quake enhanced its activity? There is no clear relation but it has since exploded several times, the latest on April 30, 2016. The largest historical eruptions of Sakurajima took place during 1471-76 and in 1914.
The volcanic unrest continues!