It’s now the turn of Fuego volcano and Turrialba volcano to erupt.
The volcanic unrest is increasing again in Central America.
The eruption of Rinjani volcano in Indonesia was followed by major explosions at Fuego volcano, Guatemala and Turrialba volcano, Costa Rica on September 27, 2016.

As described by Insivumeh Guatemala:
The activity of Fuego volcano has become more energetic on Sept. 27, with moderate to heavy explosions sending an ash plume at more than 4,800 meters asl before dispersing to the west and southwest.

At the beginning of the eruption, Incandescent projections at a height of 200 meters above the crater were feeding a lava flow measuring at least 1,500 meters and causing avalanche in the vicinity of the crater.

At 9pm local time, lava fountains were reported up to 300 meters above the crater, fueling flows that had reached 1,800 meters into the ravine Las Lajas and 2,000 meters in the barranca Santa Teresa.

Ash falls were reported on San Pedro Yepocapa, district of Chimaltenango.

It is believed that the eruptive activity of Fuego will be increasing in the next hours or days.
Meanwhile, the Turrialba volcano in Costa Rica is erupting since 27 hours continously.
Ashfalls have been reported in the Valle Central, including San José and Heredia. Fine particule level is increasing dramatically.
[…] Volcanic eruptions of Fuego volcano (Guatemala) and Turrialba volcano (Costa Rica) THE GRAVITATIONAL… […]