Entire River In Canada Vanishes In Just Four Days – Never Seen Before


For the first time in modern history, scientists have observed an entire river disappear in the space of days.

Historical evidence suggests it usually takes thousands of years for the process to occur, but in this case the Slims River fed by Canada’s Kaskawulsh Glacier was co-opted in only four days.

The phenomenon – called river piracy – is where one river’s flow is captured by another. But scientists hae never seen such a rapid piracy and qualifies the timeframe as “geologically instantaneous and… likely to be permanent.

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For the first time in modern history, scientists have observed an entire river disappear in the space of days in Canada.

Several rivers disappeared overnight in giant cracks or sinkholes in Mexico, Africa and Russia due to intense droughts. Video from Dahboo 777

An Entire River in Canada Has Vanished in the Space of Just 4 Days

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  1. dont waste your bandwidth clicking on that video it shows nothing at all only crap photos of a iceberg in a lake where the lijnks n videos showing before and after where the water vanished the most hyped up clickbait scam i ever come across this story is bullshit like the north korean war hype build up that isnt real

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