A severe weather anomaly swept across New South Wales, Australia on November 6, 2017.
Two people were sent to hospital after a roof collapsed due to intense rain, giant hail and destructive winds across NSW. Unseasonal snow also reported. Some describe the storm as the most severe hailstorm experienced in 30 years in the area.
The Bureau of Meteorology issued severe thunderstorm warnings, a marine wind warning and hazardous surf warning for Monday over the North West Slopes and Plains, parts of the Upper Hunter and inland parts of the Mid-North Coast, NSW.
Officials also warned of “giant hail and destructive winds” with thunderstorms for the whole Monday mostly from Port Macquarie, Taree, Armidale, Tamworth, Gunnedah, Moree, Narrabri, Walgett to Lightning Ridge.

And yes! It’s snowing at the same time in the northern and southern hemispheres:
The State Emergency Service responded to more than 400 calls for assistance by Monday afternoon across the state as trees fell, cars were damaged and powerlines went down.
A roof collapsed, sending two people with non-life-threatening injuries to hospital in the town of Kurri Kurri just after 2:00pm on Monday.
Kurri Kurri hit hard this afternoon with a damaging storm ripping roofs off and up rooting trees. #storms #hunterhappenings pic.twitter.com/MKmlc4rkjY
— Hunter Happenings (@happenin_hunter) November 6, 2017
The storm also triggered a powerful hailstorm with golf-ball-sized hail in Wollongong.

Farmers fear for their animals and cultivations as the damage from Sunday night’s storm was “massive”.

This must really have been one of the most powerful storms in the last 30 years in NSW. GET READY!
[…] 11/6 澳大利亚遭到巨大冰雹,非常规雪和破坏性风的袭击 11/3 十六年来最强台风将越南蹂躏 10/30 强风暴袭击了美国东海岸,超过110万没有电力; 坦桑尼亚创纪录的暴雨,造成广泛的洪灾; 阿根廷降落海量冰雹吞噬了路上的汽车, 像世界末日一样 10/26 阿根廷严重的冰雹暴袭击了数千座建筑物和汽车 10/25 强大的风暴袭击了夏威夷,150,000毛伊岛人没有电力 10/24 严重的风暴,破坏性的龙卷风滚过卡罗莱纳州,98,000没有电力 10/23 台风在日本至少造成两人死亡,呼吁数千人撤离 10/22 强大的风暴袭击了西澳大利亚,造成5万多次闪电 10/14 多年来最严重的洪水袭击越南,死亡人数上升到54人 10/4 有记录以来最严重的洪水袭击了挪威南部 9/19 因为洪水肆虐尼日尔, 56人死亡,20万人无家可归和11,000个家庭遭到破坏 9/18 严重暴风雨在罗马尼亚西部, 死亡8人受伤至少140人 9/16 致命的风暴袭击了德国,至少死了3人 9/7 南亚洪灾死亡人数高于哈维20倍,疾病蔓延 8/27 热带风暴“Pakhar”袭击菲律宾,朝向香港 […]
[…] marine wind warning and hazardous surf warning for Monday over the North West Slopes and Plains, parts of the Upper Hunter and inland parts of the Mid-North Coast, NSW. Officials also warned of “giant hail and destructive winds” with thunderstorms for the whole Monday mostly from Port Macquarie, Taree, Armidale, Tamworth, Gunnedah, Moree, Narrabri, Walgett to Lightning Ridge. MORE […]