Hundreds of starlings mysteriously drop DEAD from the sky above Rome, Italy like in a Hitchcock film


The flocks of starlings that create choreographed patterns in the skies over Rome have mysteriously lost their aplomb, with hundreds falling to their deaths after colliding with each other. The birds began plummeting from the sky last weekend, leaving a litter of tiny corpses across roads and pavements.

Hundreds of birds fall from the sky over Rome Italy, hundreds of birds drop from the sky roma italy, Roma, lo strano caso della moria di storni: «Decine di uccelli morti in terra»
Hundreds of birds fall from the sky over Rome, Italy

At Porta Pia, one of the gates of Rome, and in other neighbourhoods, residents had to tiptoe around fallen birds’ bodies, while mopeds risked skidding on corpses crushed by passing cars. “It was like a Hitchcock film — there was a lot of blood and the smell became horrible,” Paolo Peroso, head of the Porta Pia residents’ association, said.

Millions of starlings migrate south during the winter to Rome, where they enjoy the warmth and the street lights that allow them to keep an eye out for predatory falcons. During the day they venture out of the city, feasting on olives before roosting in Rome’s plane trees and dumping tonnes of oily excrement on the streets, forcing locals to carry umbrellas.

The birds fell mysteriously from the sky on Rome during their daily murmuration, Hundreds of birds fall from the sky over Rome Italy, hundreds of birds drop from the sky roma italy, Roma, lo strano caso della moria di storni: «Decine di uccelli morti in terra»
The birds fell mysteriously from the sky on Rome during their daily murmuration.

Early tests on the dead birds ruled out poison or disease, said Francesca Manzia, head of a hospital run by the Italian League for the Protection of Birds. “We found they were in good health but suffering from the trauma and broken bones you would associate with collisions, either with each other or with cables,” she said.

An abnormally large number of starlings heading for the same trees could have led to the collisions, while another cause could be attacks by predators, which create panic within the murmurations, she said.

When attacked, starlings bump into each other and if one starling hits an obstacle, many others will follow behind and meet the same fate.

A few days before, 100s of birds fall from sky in Utah landing on cars as shown in this video:

Ms Manzia said the true cause of the deaths was a mystery, just as the exact way the birds co-ordinated their murmurations remained a puzzle for scientists.We don’t really know what they are doing,” she admitted.

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Il Messagero, Il Giornale, The Times


  1. Sounds like verses that are in the Bible.

    Hosea 4: 3 Therefore shall the land mourn, and every one that dwelleth therein shall languish, with the beasts of the field, and with the fowls of heaven; yea, the fishes of the sea also shall be taken away

    Jeremiah 12:4 How long shall the land mourn, and the herbs of every field wither, for the wickedness of them that dwell therein? the beasts are consumed, and the birds; because they said, He shall not see our last end.

    And there are more..and we are living in the last of days….

  2. […] film — there was a lot of blood and the smell became horrible,” Paolo Peroso, head of the Porta Pia residents’ association, said. Millions of starlings migrate south during the winter to Rome, where they enjoy the warmth and the street lights that allow them to keep an eye out for predatory falcons. During the day they venture out of the city, feasting on olives before roosting in Rome’s plane trees and dumping tonnes of oily excrement on the streets, forcing locals to carry umbrellas. READ MORE […]

  3. […] film — there was a lot of blood and the smell became horrible,” Paolo Peroso, head of the Porta Pia residents’ association, said. Millions of starlings migrate south during the winter to Rome, where they enjoy the warmth and the street lights that allow them to keep an eye out for predatory falcons. During the day they venture out of the city, feasting on olives before roosting in Rome’s plane trees and dumping tonnes of oily excrement on the streets, forcing locals to carry umbrellas. READ MORE […]

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