Apollo 15 footage: How come can you hear hammering in the Moon’s vacuum?


This is from Apollo 15 NASA footage. If you did Physics at school or college you will know that sound cannot travel in a vacuum. Yet we can hear the Astronaut’s Hammer Strokes in this clip. Space is a vacuum = No Air and thus: ‘In Space no-one can hear you scream.’ All Astronaut communication is through headset radio. Vibrations cannot travel through the vacuum even to the astronaut’s radio, so the hammer strokes should be silent, yet we can hear them! Conclusion: Either there is Air on the Moon or NASA faked the Apollo 15 program. Or… Let me know!

Footage of Apollo 15 astronauts has again surfaced online, that appears to depict two astronauts placing a vacuum onto the ground on the Moon to retrieve material. Sound is not supposed to be recorded on the Moon as it was apparently in this recording. Scientists are reportedly baffled at the fact that in the video, when astronauts hammer the vacuum into the surface of the Moon, the sound of the hammer striking the object can be heard.

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Jim Irwin with the Lunar Roving Vehicle on the first lunar surface EVA of Apollo 15. By NASA via Wikipedia

People who theorize that nobody has actually been to the Moon are wondering why dull noises can be heard in the video as the hammer hits the thing, as in the vacuum of space you’re not supposed to hear sound, with no air to work with the vibration.

So here a few hypotheses:

  • On YouTube somebody noted that he believes communication between the astronauts in the video is done via a headset radio. The vibrations of sound from the hammer would probably not travel through the vacuum to the astronaut’s radio headset, but they are audible in the video.
  • Some even suggested it is indicative that the Apollo 15 program was faked, or there is actually air on the Moon.
  • Another person suggested that perhaps the reason why hammering sounds were audible in the video is because while the astronaut struck the object, the vibrations traveled up his arm and the sound was captured through the microphone on his suit, and that would explain the dullness of the sound.
apollo 15 sound, apollo 15 sound video, apollo 15 sound on moon, apollo 15 sound fake, apollo 15 conspiracy, apollo 15 fake
The prime crew of the Apollo 15 lunar landing mission. From left to right: Scott, Worden, Irwin. By NASA via Wikipedia

There is distinctively a sound. What do you think?

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  1. I’m NOT telling anyone what they should or should not believe.
    Merely sharing what I believe thank you.

    God created mankind & placed us right here on Earth.
    And no matter what or when any other story is being told anywhere, mankind will NEVER leave this Earth if or until God allows that to happen.

    That fact alone is one solid piece of information that proves far beyond any shadow of reasonable doubt why Apollo 11 wore Masonic aprons on the alleged ‘moon landing’, that is to say: Freemasons In Space.

  2. Both astronauts are speaking. I have heard sounds from pounding at the Space station outside. Sound can vibrate the inside of the space suit. Next they’ll be saying that we never went to the moon.

    • The truth of the matter is simple… We never put men on the moon in the late 60’s to early 70’s and still cannot… The sound is obviously there because they are in a controlled sound stage for that video shot right here on Earth…

      I am under no illusion about how NASA has been lying its ass off for decades… However what I do find annoying is how the IDIOTS in the “flat earth” crowd are now filling comment sections all over the place with their lies that the fakery of Project Apollo some how proves that the world is a magical flying space pizza….

  3. While it’s completely evident so many want to share conflicting comments about sound travel and atoms, molecules etc… here’s something no one can answer.

    NASA recently admitted humans cannot travel thru the Van Allen radiation belt:

    Not to overlook or dismiss the unquestionable FACT:
    A so-called ‘space suit’ does not and cannot work in the vacuum of space.

      • What’s the problem? After the LRV was positioned, the astronauts scuffed around collecting boxes, opening the radiators, etc. and the tracks get messed up- which can be watched happening in LRV footage. This article exists because people think sound can’t travel inside a spacesuit…

  4. If you have even a basic understanding of physics you would understand the vibrations through the hammer, arm, space suit would be picked up by the internal microphone.

  5. Who is narrating the scene? The astronaut doing the hammering wouldn’t be the narrator, so how could sound vibrations travel up the suit to the microphone of the narrator?

  6. Anyone who scuba dives can answer this one. It’s construction. The mic is not outside recording like you would find in a movie set. They are recording the mics in helmets. The suits are pressurized with air in them. The hammering sound is what he is hearing in his suit.

      • I’m getting a little worried about you, Rich. Do you actually know what sound is? It’s vibrations that our ears convert into what we universally call sound.
        A vibration can occur with each hammer strike through the astronaut’s glove to bone and also into the suit’s air Remember that feeling you got when you wielded a hammer against a hard surface? That strike created vibration–you “felt” it in your hand bones but you “heard/felt” the vibration as well, both in the air –sound– and through bone –impact vibration.

        More than this, the “sound” heard may have been synchronicity: random popping of the communication equipment, both on the Moon and/or Mission Control… and all the satellite stations that performed the duty of staying in touch with the crew on the Lunar surface. No one has mentioned this possibility, and I lack the access I need to check out the actual “archived” files to tell whether someone (infamously) added that sound onto the track…

        Also, I know that you won’t take this comment seriously, as you’ve already convinced yourself that all space travel–not just the Moon landings–are fake. Good luck with that.

  7. Oh come the hell on now. The Astrnaught is holding onto what he is hammering. With both hands busy his radio is set to Vox, or voice operation, or any other sound for that matter. A space suit isn’t like a t’shirt, it is very thick and dense, protecting the astronaughts from the vacuum of space, or more to the point, maintain atmospheric pressure and heat to the astronaught’s environment. The sound vibrations are traveling through his suit, enguaging the voice operated microphone on his radio. Allowing us to hear some of the hammer strikes on the object he is driving into the ground. No conspiracy here, just common sense.

  8. Your own video disproves your assertion.

    At 1:34 you can hear the astronaut who is doing the hammering saying something like, “Change arms here.” That means THEY BOTH HAVE MICROPHONES IN THEIR SUITS. I guess that didn’t support your narrative so you chose to ignore it?

    Or are you saying you’d send people out in suits in an extremely dangerous environment with no microphones and no way to communicate other than waving their arms if they got into trouble? I can hear you now at Mission Control,
    “Hey Curly, you walk over there and look at that rock formation.”
    “Hey Larry, you keep a real close eye on Curly to make sure nothing goes wrong with his suit.”
    “Hey Moe, you keep a real close eye on Larry to make sure nothing goes wrong with his suit.”
    “Oh oh, who’s going to watch Moe, I guess Curly is, when he can, gee this could get complicated, I should have given them all mirrors.”

    LMFAO. I’m glad you aren’t in charge of anything, other than lame videos.

    • In order for sound to propogate from one place to another, it requires a medium or a fluid to move through. The air here on Earth allows sound waves to move from one point to another (sound can also move through water, steel, earth, etc… it just requires that particles/atoms/molecules are touching one another). However, the Moon is in space, and space is mostly a vacuum (there are always some atoms floating around, but they are VERY far apart and don’t interact with one another). Thus there is no sound on the Moon. As for what Neil was hearing… the only thing he heard was communications from Houston and his fellow astronauts on Apollo 11. However, good thoughts and prayers are always appreciated and welcomed!!
      Brad Bailey
      NLSI Staff Scientist

      August 25, 2010

  9. Even if there were mics in their suits, the sound would still be unable to travel through the vacuum between the hammer blows and their suit. The gloves on the astronaut holding the apparatus would pick up vibration, but vibration isn’t a sound wave. This would mean that the moon landing was staged in Earth’s atmosphere.

  10. There is so much evidence that points to that the Apollo missions never made it to the moon. We are talking about a time where the government lied about torpedoes being in the Gulf of Tonkin, that lie cost us 100’s of millions and over 55,000 dead service men. So it’s not a stretch to think they lied about Apollo. The Van Allen Belts are the show stopper here. If they weren’t then we would’ve been back, the Russians, and the Chinese would’ve sent astronauts through them by now. Man hasn’t been passed low earth orbit. Technology in every field has advance leaps and bound since the 1960’s, everything except human space travel.

    • They went to the moon its just that the little people like us are not privy to classified footage so they gave us the Hollywood version. Thats the reality. It was easier than explaining to the American people you are not allowed to see the actual footage because you are peeons.

      • This is what is known as, double down double think. When evidence becomes so over whelming where you no longer can hold onto your belief, you double down by extrapolating something absolutely outrageous and unfounded to try and re bolster your reality. I suppose the, “aliens” told us to stay away????

  11. If the video is really on the moon my guess is the sound is traveling through the astronaut’s arm entering via the suit. There are some hits where there is no sound. Is this because he has removed his hand from the instrument?

  12. This was a montage. It’s false. As always …. NASA deceive us from time to time. By last. There is a movie about these false occurrences. The moon has no atmosphere. It is empty. It’s worse than being under water

    • JJ, sorry but you are wrong. The moon does enjoy an atmosphere of hydrogen, nitrogen and helium 2 and more. Sound waves can travel such an atmosphere. Furthermore, I worked on the moon rover and lander. You will find my name etched on the back side of the attached specifications placards attached to these vehicles. Buy some time on the palamar telescope i pretty sure you can see you can see the landing sites though the 200″ palamar telescope has never been turned on to the moon. JJ it happen plain and simple.

      • JTD, sorry but you are wrong. In order for sound to propogate from one place to another, it requires a medium or a fluid to move through. The air here on Earth allows sound waves to move from one point to another (sound can also move through water, steel, earth, etc… it just requires that particles/atoms/molecules are touching one another). However, the Moon is in space, and space is mostly a vacuum (there are always some atoms floating around, but they are VERY far apart and don’t interact with one another). Thus there is no sound on the Moon. As for what Neil was hearing… the only thing he heard was communications from Houston and his fellow astronauts on Apollo 11. However, good thoughts and prayers are always appreciated and welcomed!!
        Brad Bailey
        NLSI Staff Scientist (NASA Lunar Science Institute)

        August 25, 2010

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