When you look into the night’s sky, you’d expect to see stars, the moon, an occasional meteor and, if you’re lucky, rippling curtains of light created by the impact of the sun’s energetic particles raining through our atmosphere. If you’re really lucky, you also might see Steve.

Steve is a newly identified and mysterious space weather phenomenon that — with the help of social media, a dedicated team of citizen scientists and a European fleet of satellites — may finally get the recognition it deserves.
The streak in the sky came to the attention of researcher Eric Donovan, who works at the University of Calgary, Canada, after chatting with members of the Alberta Aurora Chasers, a group of enthusiasts who observe and photograph the aurora borealis (also known as the northern lights). By turning to social media, dozens of other observer reports were collected, meaning that Steve actually was well-known.
The phenomenon got its name from the 2006 animated movie “Over the Hedge” in which the characters name a talking hedge “Steve” to make it less scary. But what’s so peculiar is that there’s no clear explanation as to what Steve really is. Yet.
Appearing as a long and beautiful purple ribbon of light in the sky during periods of auroral activity, it was originally thought to be an aurora itself. Auroras are generated when particles from the sun, mainly electrons, interact with the gases in our atmosphere. To the naked eye, most auroras will appear green — that’s the color oxygen glows when hit by these particles.
The Arc that is visible in the beginning of the following timelapse is the newly named Aurora phenomenon called “Steve”:
But Steve looks and behaves very differently
In the past, sightings of “Steve” have been attributed to “proton arcs.” These auroras occur when solar wind protons (not electrons) precipitate through the atmosphere. But there’s a problem with this explanation: Proton auroras generate mainly UV light, radiation that isn’t visible to the naked eye. Also, if they were to generate any visible light, the light would be very diffuse. Steve is obviously a very different beast as it generates a very visible purplish hue.
To research this mystery further, Donovan turned to space for help.
The European Space Agency currently has a trio of satellites called Swarm flying in formation over Earth’s poles. They’re charged with monitoring Earth’s magnetic field. A bit like a Fitbit can monitor your physical activity levels, Swarm can precisely monitor fluctuations in the magnetism surrounding our planet.

In this age of ultra-responsive social media, Donovan used the Aurorasaurus website to track eyewitness accounts of auroras around the globe and collate these accounts with all-sky cameras in the Northern Hemisphere. All-sky cameras are excellent tools to monitor the whole night’s sky with their 360-degree field of view.
With all this data in hand, Donovan found a sighting of Steve at just the right time — the Swarm satellites had made an orbital pass directly overhead, and they were recording the conditions of the magnetic field and atmosphere below.
“The temperature 300 kilometers above Earth’s surface jumped by 3000-degrees Celsius and the data revealed a 25-kilometer-wide ribbon of gas flowing westwards at about 6 kilometers per second (over 13,000 miles per hour) compared to a speed of about 10 meters per second (200 miles per hour) either side of the ribbon,” said Donovan in an ESA news release.
In other words, Steve is made from very hot and speedy gas.
“It turns out that Steve is actually remarkably common, but we hadn’t noticed it before. It’s thanks to ground-based observations, satellites, today’s explosion of access to data and an army of citizen scientists joining forces to document it,” he added. “Swarm allows us to measure it and I’m sure will continue to help resolve some unanswered questions.”
That’s handy because the sun and Earth have a magnetic relationship. Eruptions in the solar atmosphere can have dramatic effects on the environment surrounding our planet, creating geomagnetic storms, triggering auroras and driving global electric currents. So far, it’s not clear how Steve fits into this relationship, but through efforts by enthusiasts, scientists and satellites, we may soon find out what triggers this mysterious yet surprisingly common sight in our atmosphere.
It’s amazing out there! Don’t you think, Steve?
[…] hat die Erde vorgestern beehrt: Als der rund 50 Meter große und erst einen Tag vorher entdeckte 2018 GE3 am 15. April um 8:40 MESZ in 0.0012897 au Abstand oder 1/2 Monddistanz am Erdzentrum vorbei huschte, gab es nur einen anderen bekannten Fall, bei dem ein vermutlich gleich oder ein bisschen größerer Asteroid der Erde noch näher gekommen und dabei beobachtet worden war. Beider Durchmesser sind mangels Kenntnis der Albedo zwar unbekannt, aber 2002 MN war vor 16 Jahren mit 23.4 mag. absoluter Helligkeit ein bisschen heller als 2018 GE3 mit 23.6 mag. – und mit 0.00082 au auf jeden Fall deutlich näher gekommen. Mit 0.00201 au zwar weiter weg geblieben, dafür aber mit 22.6 mag. absolut deutlich heller und 50% größer im Durchmesser war dagegen der dieses Jahr schon vorbei geflogene 2018 AH: All dies kann man dieser Tabelle des Minor Planet Center entnehmen (wobei es hier und hier alternative gibt). In Erdnähe dürfte 2018 GE3 etwa 13.1 mag. am irdischen Himmel gehabt haben, die größte Helligkeit wurde gegen 7:15 MESZ mit ~12.1 mag. erreicht, danach wurde die Beleuchtung ungüntiger: auch Artikel hier, hier und hier, oben eine Grafik der Asteroiden-Besuche der letzten 12 Monate – und Artikel über die Impaktkrater in Australien und auf dem Mond sowie zur Meteoriten-Suche in der Antarktis. Sowie der Mars am 14.4. und 31.3., der Jupiter am 15.4., 14.4. (Erläuterungen), 12.4., 10.4. und 9.4., der Saturn am <a href=https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=187197922283680612.4., 11.4. und 5.4. und ein Aufruf an Amateurastronomen zur 2018-er EPSC in Berlin. Ferner eine schwache Nova im Schützen (Bilder hier, hier und hier), die langlebige Supernova vom letzten Jahr – und wieder massig tolle Bilder des Steve-Phänomens v.a. aus den letzten Tagen in Kanada (wo es sogar zur Tourismus-Werbung eingesetzt wird) hier, hier, hier, hier, hier, hier, hier, hier, hier, hier, hier, hier, hier und hier. […]
[…] this storm, Steve, this still mysterious space weather phenomenon, reappeared in Northern Canada on April 10, […]
Thanks this article!
Sorry to ask it here, but where can i change back the old view of the main page?
The grid one, not these big picture titles.
changed to normal view now. Sorry for that!
No worry about that, this is your site,
it was only my personal opinion, because the old view is much more seeable.
Thank you, really good site.