Why did Hurricane Michael leave cities with an electric purple sky as it engulfed Florida?

An Ohio motorist has filmed the night sky appearing to glow a magnificent electric purple over the city of Cleveland. The bizarre celestial light has left many struggling to explain the strange phenomenon.
Captured by Youtube user Jbreez216 as he was driving around Cleveland, the footage depicts a strange hue above the city. Completely freaked out by what he is seeing, the eyewitness puts his camera out the window of his moving vehicle to prove it’s not a trick reflection on the windscreen.
“Look at the sky, why is it purple like that?” the motorist says in the video. “That’s crazy. I thought it was my [window] tint for a second but… that’s out the window. That’s crazy.”
Filmed on October 13, after Hurricane Michael struck the state, it’s almost certain the bizarre light was caused by the weather. However, a definitive reason has yet to be settled on by shocked viewers, and many theories are circulating online. Some claimed that the strange coloring was a result of peculiar happenings in space or even a portent of a biblical, end-of-days event.
Lake City referred to in the below tweet is actually in Florida, which experienced a purple sky like Ohio did:
WOW. I’ve never seen such a purple sky before! This is in Lake City. Rain & wind starting to pick up here now. #Michael @FCN2go #FCNstorm @fcntim @_WeatherStove @WeatherLauren pic.twitter.com/YFld0O0nza
— Shelby Danielsen (@NewsShelby) October 10, 2018
However the actual scientific reason for the coloring is much more mundane. It has been put down to a thing called “scattering,” where often violet or blue light of the setting sun becomes the dominant light in the sky.

“Molecules and small particles in the atmosphere change the direction of light rays, causing them to scatter,” a University of Wisconsin spokesperson told Cleveland 19 News.

“Scattering affects the color of light coming from the sky, but the details (the colors) are determined by the wavelength of the light and the size of the particle.”

What do you think it was? About a year ago, a mysterious light column appeared in a loud boom over Feliciano, Argentina… Also supposedly caused by a rare weather.
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Prince prophesied this happening in his song 1999 “the sky was all purple there were people running everywhere.”
Old Sister Mary Gadzilla would turn over in her grave if she had to change out 5th grade tune – It’s a blue sky – blue sky – over my head to a purple sky
Satellite firing laser trajectory, basically steering the hurricane with the laser cone.
Hey Barbara – There is a Military High Frequency weapon we created…There are called IONOSPHERIC HEATERS…The US Military began testing them in Alaska in the late 90’s…They are able to send billions of watts of energy into a pinpoint of the IONOSPHERE and the original intent was to be able to STEER the Jet Stream…They are of course still using it for this, but now over 20 years later have MANY MANY mobile platforms to do this with…The IONOSPHERIC HEATERS were taken over by very evil men when they discovered they could point and aim this weapon where ever they pleased and found out they could cause EARTHQUAKES and VOLCANIC ERUPTIONS with it…I have TONS of proof for you…Start here, so you can see, this is not being done by just ONE country, but ALL OF THEM in concert with one another…No human could get the results with the entirety of the system in place, so they created an Artificial Intelligence to MANAGE all of them simultaneously…This system is BEYOND the scope of imagination, and these words just do not do justice to the amount of EVIL and DEATH they are all bringing upon the citizens of this world…Start here to get a picture of where they are all located…This is one AWESOME site, and has all the known locations of these weapons and you could lose hours trying to get to the bottom of this…http://climateviewer.org/pollution-and-privacy/atmospheric-sensors-and-emf-sites/maps/haarp-ionospheric-heaters-worldwide/
Next is a book that was written exposing this evil, sadly the NSA threatened him into silence…It is a fast read, and I only ask you all here to please read it, pass it along with the other site EXPOSE them, LEARN about what they are all doing to us and God’s creation…
If you study the Bible, and then compare the unfulfilled prophesies to the current strange anomalous events, they match up 100%…God has always used EVIL MEN to bring JUDGEMENT upon the people, and knowing this allows you too prepare for what lies ahead…The age of grace is almost over…There is only ONE way to be safe in the days ahead…By accepting the shed blood of Christ for your sins…I can lead you to the truth, but it is you who must understand and believe upon it…That is all I can offer you…The truth…And all glory, all praise goes to the MOST HIGH…Our true KING…Christ Jesus /// Yeshua Hamashiach…
1 Corinthians 15 : 1 – 4
1 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand;
2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.
3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;
4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:
I live in south Alabama on the outskirts of the storm’s path, and also noticed the purple color of the clouds during the sunset. I took a few pictures of the clouds, because it looked so weird. They look similar to the last three pictures.
Cleveland is about 800 miles in a straight line due North from where Hurricane Michael had its landfall, and the outer clouds from the hurricane never got closer than southern Virginia. HAARP?
Hm, maybe strong electric field of the hurricane is ionizating the air around it… There may be lot of frictions between water particles in the hurricane and maybe it causes many electrons to knock out and create that glowing… Anyway, very interesting and mysterious phenomenon.
En août et en septembre, j’ai pu capturer plusieurs objets en orbite autour de notre Soleil.
De nouvelles découvertes montrent clairement l’invasion de notre soleil par des objets stellaires. Des milliers d’objets
stellaires de petite taille ces noyaux ont fait leur chemin vers le soleil ainsi que des grands et super gros noyaux
stellaires . C’est un système destructeur parce que , les objets qui composent ce système absorbent peu à peu
l’énergie disponible dans tous les systèmes vivants qu’ils rencontrent et cela signifie qu’ils se tournent vers les étoiles
vivantes,et les planètes capables de générer de l’énergie et c’est l’influence gravitationnelle à mort pour les étoiles
et planètes appauvries en énergie avec une gravitation proche de zéro.
Comme je l’ai déjà expliquer, ils interagissent avec notre Soleil et créent des quantités massives de rayonnements
cosmiques, ainsi qu’un champ magnétique étendu qui affecte à son tour notre Magnétosphère. Le champ magnétique
de notre Terre a beaucoup changé , il s’est énormément affaibli. Donc , nous recevons plus de rayonnement solaire
et cosmique .
Au cours de cette interaction à long terme avec notre Soleil, celui-ci, deviendra plus faible.Ces objets stellaires
proche de la terre,provoque des perturbations gravitationnelles sur notre planète.Ces objets font exactement la
même chose sur la couronne du soleil, ces objets n’obéissent pas à la normale loi gravitationnelle. Ce processus a
déjà commencé et nous ne pouvons rien y faire. Les effets de ceci ont déjà provoqué une fonte de glace importante
sur notre pôle Nord. La plus grande partie de la glace ancienne a disparu et se retrouve dans nos océans, perturbant
la salinité et perturbant nos conditions météorologiques, en particulier notre jet stream. Les gouvernements du
monde s’efforcent de dissimuler cela comme un réchauffement climatique, mais ce n’est pas ce qui se passe.
Je vous invite tous et chacun à faire attention à ce qui se passe. Les choses ne vont pas s’améliorer, elles vont
empirer avec le temps.
A bientôt.
Translated: Hello,
In August and September, I was able to capture several objects in orbit around our Sun.
New discoveries clearly show the invasion of our sun by stellar objects. Thousands of objects
small stellar these nuclei have made their way to the sun as well as big and big big cores
stellar. It is a destructive system because, the objects that make up this system absorb little by little
the energy available in all the living systems they encounter and that means they are turning to the stars
alive, and the planets capable of generating energy and that’s the gravitational influence to death for the stars
and planets depleted in energy with gravitation close to zero.
As I already explained, they interact with our Sun and create massive amounts of radiation
cosmic, as well as an extensive magnetic field that in turn affects our magnetosphere. The magnetic field
of our Earth has changed a lot, it has greatly weakened. So, we receive more solar radiation
and cosmic.
During this long-term interaction with our Sun, it will become weaker. These stellar objects
close to the earth, causes gravitational disturbances on our planet.These objects are exactly the
same thing about the sun’s crown, these objects do not obey the normal gravitational law. This process has
already started and we can not do anything about it. The effects of this have already caused a significant melting of ice
on our North Pole. Most of the old ice has disappeared and ends up in our oceans, disturbing
salinity and disrupting our weather, especially our jet stream. Governments of
world are trying to hide this as global warming, but that’s not happening.
I invite you all to pay attention to what is happening. Things will not improve, they will
get worse with time.
See you soon.
don’t believe anything from a government agency especially the fake news media, they all work for the CIA and are all attached to the hip of the government, its the fourth rail of politics. this is being done to us thru HARP and nothing is being done to reign this program in, they are continuing with there tinkering of our air and skies and at some pint we are going to have to take to the streets with pitchforks stop them.
The Browns have discovered how to win. God is pleased……
Public security section 9 agent Ishikawa says; The explanation in the above article buy some scientists, seems quite a fair story for now. Next time someone sees purple skies ,they should throw in the PURPLE RIAN music cd and jam out to it….!