The exact moment the Stromboli volcano erupts violently in Italy… From a sailboat


On July 3, 2019, the Stromboli volcano erupted violently, killing one tourist and burying villages and hamlets in ash.

The following video catches the exact moment of the second, stronger explosion, from a sailboat… WOW! Meanwhile, the Stromboli volcano continues erupting.

On that tragic afternoon of July 3, 2019, two violent volcanic explosions shook the island of Stromboli, causing panic among the local population and tourists.

The main event took place at 2.46 pm, at the central-southern area of ​​the crater terrace where the Stromboli mouths open, at about 800 meters above sea level.

The two distinct explosions occurred within a short distance of time but both with destructive effects on the surrounding territory.

The consequences of the violent eruptions will not be easy to deal with. A little less than a week after the volcanic event locals and volunteers are still working to clean up the streets and alleys of villages and hamlets.

Meanwhile, the Stromboli volcano continues erupting. On July 12, 2019, a strong and powerful activity was reported on the northern side of the crater (AREA N):

stromboli eruption video, stromboli eruption video july 2019
Stromboli crater thermal images – North and center-south parts in activity. Picture by INGV-OE

A small lava flow is still visible on the center-south part of the crater (AREA SC):

stromboli eruption video, stromboli eruption video july 2019
Stromboli, strong and powerful activity on northern flank of the crater on July 12, 2019. Picture: Francesco Ciancitto / INGV-OE

But why did the violent eruption happen? How long will it still continue to blow our minds?

[Youtube, Earth of Fire]

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