And the insane weather continues around the world.
Right now, Strom Gloria is battering Spain and has already killed 9 people. Giant waves have been reported.

Already three people have died – in Asturias, on the Valencian coast, and in Ávila – in strong winds, heavy snowfall and low temperatures from Storm Gloria, as the vicious storm engulfed Spain on Sunday and Monday.
¡Temporal marítimo histórico asociado a la #BorrascaGloria! Olas de más de 6 metros en la #CostaBlanca. Esta mañana (20/01/2020), en #Calpe (#Alicante). @spainsevere @severeweatherEU. Vídeo: @_joanlopez.
— MeteOrihuela (@MeteOrihuela) January 20, 2020
The Mediterranean coast around Valencia was battered overnight in fierce winds and torrential rain while the northern and interior parts of the country were blanketed in snow.
Banyeres de Mariola (Alicante) Nevada de más de 60cm y sigue nevando con 0,8°C. @avamet @jcfortea @apuntoratge @Estacionla6 @ElTiempoes @ElTiempo_tve @monicalopez_tve @climatologia_ua @AEMET_CValencia @tiempobrasero @MeteoVinalopo
— Juan Juan Beneyto (@juanjuanb96) January 20, 2020
33 provinces were put on bad weather alert, while nine provinces were given red warnings – Teruel, Albacete, Murcia, Barcelona, Girona, Tarragona, Valencia, Alicante and Castellón.
Heavy snowfall closed down more than 1,000km of roads, while houses facing the sea in Valencia were evacuated due to waves as high as 6 meters or more crashing on the shore.
#TemporalÀpunt | Imatges de la platja de #Gandia?? La força de la mar continua fent-se notar i l’aigua passa al passeig marítim. Més de 100 metres d’amplària!#TemporalHivernal
— À Punt Oratge (@apuntoratge) January 20, 2020
The A-31 between Alicante and Albacete was completely blocked by strong snowfall.
The storm also forced the closure of Alicante airport, leading to the cancellation of nearly 200 flights.
Así ha quedado el paseo marítimo de Xàbia como consecuencia del temporal. Desconocemos el autor del vídeo.@AEMET_Esp @AEMET_SINOBAS @AEMET_CValencia @TiempoCom @informacion_es
— Climatología UA (@climatologia_ua) January 20, 2020
The Spain Weather Agency Aemet reported winds of up to 115 km per hour (71 mph) and eight-meter (26-feet) high waves in the province of Valencia.
Así nieva en #Villena
— Est. Meteo Villena (@EstacinVillena) January 20, 2020
Storm Gloria dumped on Barcelona and Valencia with 4 months of rainfall in 3 days, leading to major river overflows.
Veure açò no em sap cap greu
— Miquel Truyol Olives (@MiquelTruyol) January 20, 2020
de fet em fa estar a la Glòria
quan s’aigua ens fa memòria
per un dia del que és seu.
At least 200 schools were closed on Monday. Meanwhile a dangerous thunderstorm is rolling throught drought-stricken Australia, bringing giant hail and devastating winds. Find similar headlines on Strange Sounds and Steve Quayle. [El Pais, Accuweather, The Local]
Dear Stephen, please read up on why “climate” and “weather” are different.
Here’s one of the links that come up on a google search.
The extreme weather is getting worse around the planet. What many don’t know is that the weather is being manipulated, which we can clearly see here in the UK.
When the Weather Machine is turned on down in WALES, then the JETSTREAM is forced to the North of the UK and all bad weather is stirred around the top of the UK and down the other side into Europe. We escape the winter weather as it is stirred over to Europe and this time it is Spain that gets it as the Jetstream is now wave shaped. Above the wave is warm weather and below is very cold weather. Following the wave around the world we find that Canada and the USA is largely to the bottom of the JETSTREAM WAVE and it also experiencing heavy snows and storms and winds. THE WEATHER is manipulated by the UK and the USA in particular.
The real problem is that those who push the fake mantra of GLOBAL WARMING like to use the UK, as it is small and therfore easy to manipulate its weather – to state ‘ See how warm it is getting here with very mild winters?’ whilst the rest of the planet is seeing record cold temperatures: RECORD COLD TEMPERATURES: