Historic snowfall could destroy sheep farming Patagonia, Argentina for years.
Five feet (1½ m) of snow and temperatures around 20 degrees below zero. Can you imagine even trying to walk through snow up to your chin?
Patagonia is suffering one of the worst winters in recent years, with heavy snowfall (up to 1.5 meters of snow) and extreme temperatures around 20 degrees below zero.
Livestock have a really hard time, some being buried alive and saved by their owners:
This climate combo, which has been taking place for 20 days in the region, left livestock farming in a critical state and led to the Rio Negro government this week declaring a state of Emergency and / or Agricultural Disaster in 6 departments of the western province.
In the departments of Bariloche, El Cuy, Ñorquinco and Pilcaniyeu were hit by “extraordinary snowfall” that “have caused damage” in rural livestock farms in the area, leading to a crisis for many sheep farmers and other productions in Patagonia and the south of the country.
The president of the Argentine Rural Confederations (CRA), Jorge Chemes, in dialogue with Infobae commented: “This historic snowfall reveals the fragility of our country. The southern provinces will take years to recover. It is very difficult to produce in a context where there is no gas, electricity or telephone.”
In Río Negro they declared an agricultural emergency due to snowfall.
Routes, roads, sewers, telephone and internet communication services, gas, electricity, have collapsed in the face of the phenomenon and make rescue efforts more complex for residents, families, workers and producers.
Similar snow phenomena occurred in Iceland:
and Iran this year:
More extreme weather phenomena on Strange Sounds and Steve Quayle. Now if you are looking for supplements to increase your healthy lifestyle and sexlife please visit Natural Health Source. [Clarin, Infobae, IceAgeNow]
Its the solar minimum, 11 year cycle, no sun spots on the sun
where is the little sweedish twit with her global warming bs………. oh yeh…….. out telling people to take the vaccine………. HAHAHAAHAHHAH
Wow. Poor animals.
well , my predictions for August 3 2020 coming soon. This is as result of comet full moon with eclipse we had also asteroids are keep hitting planets.