‘The Elegant Skull’, the face of Mexico’s ‘Day of the Dead’ festival, appeared in a volcanic ash cloud during an eruption weeks before the annual festivities.
A photograph of the cloud shared on social media soon had netizens likening its shape to the character – also known as The Catrina Skull – and saw the sighting as a reminder of the festival held on November 1 and 2 every year.
The picture of the Popocatepetl volcano eruption, located between the central Mexican states of Puebla, Morelos and Mexico, was taken on Wednesday.

Authorities from Puebla issued a warning on Wednesday morning notifying citizens the volcano was showing moderate activity, however, what made headlines was the viral picture of the cloud of ash it was producing.
People have interpreted it to be in the shape the ‘La Calavera Catrina’ (The Catrina Skull, also known as The Elegant Skull) which is the unofficial face of the ‘Day of the Dead’ festival.
The pictures shows a large ash cloud spewing out of the volcano with some saying it is in the form of a skull, cloaked in more ash that surrounds it.

Netizens commented on the picture because they considered it had a striking resemblance to the Catrina Skull – pointing out the jaw, the eyes and even the hat, all formed by the cloud of ash.
They took the image to symbolise the approaching Day of the Dead which is celebrated in different countries across Central and South America, but is especially popular in Mexico.
Family and friends gather to remember and pray for deceased loved ones, sometimes decorating their graves in hopes of helping them on their spiritual journeys.

It is believed that the children’s spirits visit their loved ones on the 1st November, which is All Saints Day, and the adults visit the following day on All Souls Day.
The Catrina Skull was created by Mexican cartoonist Jose Guadalupe Posada as a satirical view of Mexicans who tried to adopt European traditions during the pre-revolution era in the early 20th century.
The hat the skull is seen wearing was a typical European style worn at the time.
Posada created the original zinc etching some time between 1910 and 1913, and the original leaflet it was distributed in described someone who was ashamed of her indigenous origins, instead choosing to imitate French style, and wearing makeup to make her skin look whiter.
While Posada originally introduced the character, its popularity – as well as her name – derived from artist Diego Rivera in his 1947 completed mural Sueño de una Tarde Dominical en la Alameda Central (Dream of a Sunday afternoon along Central Alameda), located in Mexico City.
The Elegant Skull has become Mexico’s referential image of death, and reflects the country’s somewhat humours view of it. The country pays homage to death with expressions of offerings, songs, respect and humour.

This year, several points in the nation’s capital have cancelled the festival due to a high number of COVID-19 cases.
The areas include the Xochimilco borough, the San Andres Mixquic community in the southeast of the city and the vast archaeological complex of Teotihuacan to the northeast.
Just a day ago an evil fce was spotted in Hurriane Delta, just before making landfall in the US:
People have been told to avoid staying near Popocatepetl which has seen an accumulation of volcanic gas and ash in the area.
The National Centre for Disaster Prevention reported it has registered 104 exhalations and 483 minutes of tremors.
More volcanic news and weird signs in the sky on DM, Strange Sounds and Steve Quayle. Now if you are looking for supplements to increase your healthy lifestyle please visit Natural Health Source.
The collective psyche of the world’s populations directly affects the living environment. Think the lie that is ‘climate change’, but is IN FACT a truth of the power of the people to create/attract good weather patterns. When there is violence and division of the people, there is a reflection of this negative energy which does affect weather patterns. Fact is anything one can think of can be materialized right before your eyes in the clouds regardless if they are made of smoke from the maw of an active volcano.
The satanists know this so seek division and violence and fear so that people don’t realize how much power we have in creating a healthy and positive environment by the simplest of things, getting along and loving each other UNDER GOD. Instead they preach fear through “climate change”, as if the sky were falling and everyone is helpless in their own deceptions. It couldn’t be any further from God’s Truth. Human beings are designed to work with the planet starting with each other. It’s just that fucking simple.
And you He made alive, who were dead in trespasses and sins, in which you once walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience.
Ephesians 2:1,2
Look at this story please let us be having any peaceful demonstrations is very good, but not clashes and riots?
TV crew security guard shoots ‘Patriot Muster’ protester dead after he fired mace at him as cops race to the scene amid angry clashes between BLM and right wing demonstrators in Denver
A person has been shot and killed during protests in Denver on Saturday afternoon, at the Civic Center
A ‘Patriot Muster’ was being held, with a group calling themselves BLM-Antifa counter-protesting
Gunfire rang out as the fatigue-wearing gunmen in their ballistic vests were leaving the area
Police were immediately on scene outside the Denver Art Museum and the shooter dropped his handgun
Denver Post reported the ‘Patriot’ supporter maced the man and was shot point blank
Denver Police Department on Saturday night said the gunman was a private security guard
9News confirmed that the security guard was a contractor working to protect their tv crew
Video circulating on social media showed the moment the trigger was pulled and people turning in shock
Two people have been arrested; one was later deemed unconnected to the killing
Yet this is still within first full moon range till OCT 29-2020.
When second full moon comes on OCT 31-2020 the all world will brake loose? Look at first Moon OCT 1st since then how many things shook up world. Please read Strange sounds and you will see. I am asking please think of America with love harmony and peace other wise this country very well is finished soon and we all be sorry. Buy food and essentials ASAP do not buy beers or hard liquor because they are make you more depress indeed. Instead of making USA to the bottom of sea lets all remember we all are Americans and we must love each others. Political differences is good how ever we shall never make it causes of wars look at Rome Italy how was burned down? We ask all people of USA just pray and vote hope who ever wins is winner. If there is discrepancy we have a lot of time till JAN 2021 to solved it within courts. God Bless USA land of free land of brave.
Thanks a lot for articles and yes it is weird that volcano ashes goes up and become face of same devil that they are celebrating.
These are not coincidences times , we call it Mandela effects?
What you think ?