Look at these weird clouds in the sky! But how do those large circular or elliptical gaps form in cumulus? And have you ever seen something like this before? I haven’t yet.
Fantastic sight! https://t.co/jq42V05F2K
— Erin Thomas (@ErinThomasWx) January 29, 2021
But because of their rarity and unusual appearance, punch hole clouds have been mistaken for or attributed to unidentified flying objects.
More spectacular cloud pictures over #Atlanta. #Friday #11Alive @ChrisHolcomb pic.twitter.com/yp9YRPvXlR
— Cheryl Preheim (@CherylPreheim) January 29, 2021
And that’s exactly what happened yesterday, January 29, 2021, when several saucer-shaped formations dotted the skies over Alabama and Georgia, giving residents a reason to look up.
More views of the fallstreak holes over Alabama and Georgia this morning pic.twitter.com/dxwQ1MAQat
— James Spann (@spann) January 29, 2021
How does a fallstreak hole form?
Hole punch clouds form when “supercooled water droplets” suddenly freeze within mid- to high-level cumulus clouds. When these ice crystals fall, a giant hole is left behind.
Did y’all see these clouds today? These pics are from John Kelley in Cedartown. These are “hole punch” clouds. #storm11 pic.twitter.com/RschqbkUad
— ChrisHolcomb11Alive (@ChrisHolcomb) January 29, 2021
Airplanes also play a part in fallstreak formations. Passing planes create airflow, which can trigger water droplets to fall below freezing yet remain in liquid form.
A fallstreak hole, AKA “hole punch cloud,” is an elliptical gap that can appear in altocumulus or cirrocumulus clouds when the supercooled water droplets abruptly freeze. These ice crystals then fall and leave a hole behind. (1/2) #gawx #cloudscience pic.twitter.com/iPeMBBcAEJ
— NWS Atlanta (@NWSAtlanta) January 29, 2021
However, this can only be achieved at high altitudes and with droplets that have little dust, pollution and other impurities.
You could also see the fall streak holes from the @weatherchannel @TWCWeatherSTEM pic.twitter.com/ozd96jY1RE
— Jessica Arnoldy (@JessicaArnoldy) January 29, 2021
As the droplets turn to ice crystals, “they quickly grow [and] begin to fall, leaving a hole behind, which will start to expand outward as surrounding droplets start to freeze as well, similar to a domino effect,” experts say.
And what about these clouds being simply chemtrails or signs they have started spraying the skies again?
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Law abiding – tax paying minority sounds a little dishonest don’t you-think.
Thinking those evil white guys ruined your country. Why not sell your car, get rid of your cell phone, tele, AC/ and clean up your Christian grievances.. I forgot that was bought her to by the bad guys too.
I think he is mad at God since his parents named him after a toilet.
The cloud decks are altostratus, not cumulus.
I figured they would report a sun dog in that article. Yep.
As far as chem trails go. Our area has had hardly any this year. Look for that to change with demon worshippers in control.
Chem trails probably hurt your auto immune response. So you die quicker. X c | a guy told me this 10 yeare ago.
☆ More examples of fallstreak clouds.
Your name sounds terroristic. I hope u are investigated. It is very odd to everyone that you would choose a name like that. However, because you are a Christian radical extremist terrorist you will probably get away with it. You whites ruined our country with your hatred. You made life hell for every law abiding tax paying minority. May G_D curse you white supremacists. G_D the almighty, the all hearing and seeing, the creator of the heavens and the earth and all in between….May he take his revenge against you all.
In the eye of the sniper 😉
I shun people like John. Your diatribe and inbecility preceed your words.