WOW! Did you see this green fireball over North Texas on Sunday evening?
It was so bright that it changed night into day and the explosion so powerful that it even shook some houses!
Now enjoy the videos below!
Many people across Dallas-Fort Worth noted they saw a brilliant fireball about 8:57 p.m. Sunday.
In fact, it was seen as far south as Austin, as far north as Oklahoma and as far east as Louisiana.
It streaked from the southwest to the northeast and exploded, evidently over Northeast Texas.
One resident in Bonham said it “shook his house.”
Unusually large meteor in Norway
An ‘unusually large’ meteor briefly lit up southern Norway on Sunday, as it sped at up to 20km per second across the morning sky.
Reports of sightings started at around 1am, with sightings of the phenomenon recorded as far north as Trondheim.
There were no immediate reports of injuries or damage.
For more information about these fireballs, please check the corresponding meteor events on the American Meteor Association under this link for Texas and this link for Norway.
Perseid meteor shower ahead
I don’t know if the two bolides over the US and Norway were some Perseids, but one thing is sure, Earth is approaching a stream of debris from giant Comet 109P/Swift-Tuttle, source of the annual Perseid meteor shower.
In 2021, the Perseids occur every year between July 17 and August 24 and tend to peak around August 9-13.
So first contacts are occurring right now, producing the first few Perseids of 2021.
But fireball rates will skyrocket in August, reaching its highest intensity of ~50-100 per hour on the moonless night of August 11-12 when Earth cuts through the heart of the debris.
So, yes, the date you want in North America is the night of Wednesday/Thursday, August 11-12. But the next night will be almost as good, and possibly better for Europe (August 12-13).
Enjoy the sky shows!
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You should really subscribe to QFiles. You will get very interesting information about strange events around the world.
Well, The Perseid meteor shower would show well out here, but we have monsoons. Happens everytime.
I saw one small shooting star (green) last year. It was nothing remarkable. Now, if there were a bunch happening, the same size, it would be a show.
I got it marked off on the calendar anyway.
The story of Perseus is interesting. I guess that’s the namesake. Perseus was the Gorgon slayer. Cut the head off that monster. Andromeda was his squeeze.
LOLOL Bullard is East Texas, not North. It’s over by Tyler.
I wish they would hit all the satanic elitists and destroy them—send them all to h3ll where they belong!