When Canadian parliamentarian, Colin Carrie, of the Conservative Party, asked Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government this week how many Canadian ministers were actually “on board with the World Economic Forum agenda” — before his connection “broke up” in the videoconference — he and the Canadians he represents deserved an honest response rather than accusations of spreading “disinformation”, as left-leaning New Democratic Party MP Charlie Angus did.
The World Economic Forum (WEF), colloquially known as “Davos”, for those familiar with the annual pilgrimage by the international elite to the eponymous town in Switzerland, has been on the tips of many tongues over the past two years — notably within the context of the Covid-19 crisis. Just before the Covid pandemic, on October 15, 2019, the organization announced that it was holding a “live simulation exercise to prepare public and private leaders for pandemic response.” If that sounds oddly coincidental, buckle up, because it only gets weirder.
Speaking at a United Nations videoconference in the fall of 2020, Justin Trudeau raised eyebrows, with a hint of a potential link between the global pandemic and the Forum. “This pandemic has provided an opportunity for a reset,” Trudeau said. “This is our chance to accelerate our pre-pandemic efforts, to re-imagine economic systems that actually address global challenges like extreme poverty, inequality and climate change,” he added, evoking a “reset” concept much promoted by the WEF from the onset of the pandemic, that frames the crisis as an opportunity to fundamentally change the way that developed societies function.
Then in August 2021, Dutch MP Gideon van Meijeren asked Prime Minister Mark Rutte about a letter he wrote to WEF Founder Klaus Schwab in which he said that Schwab’s book, “Covid-19: The Great Reset,” published on July 9, 2020, within the first few months of the pandemic, “inspired him to build back better.” The phrase also happens to be the name of US President Joe Biden’s legislative agenda, which includes increased wealth transfer into the murky black hole of climate change and “social spending.”
It would be easy to chalk it all up to creepy rhetorical coincidence if there wasn’t an actual link between Schwab, Davos, and elected officials like Rutte and Trudeau. It’s a link about which even Schwab himself has bragged. In 2017, he told an audience at Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government: “What we are very proud of is the young generation, like Prime Minister Trudeau… We penetrate the cabinets.”
“But what we are very proud of now is the young generation like Prime Minister Trudeau…We penetrate the cabinets.”
~ Klaus Schwab, 2017
— James Melville (@JamesMelville) February 21, 2022
He’s not kidding. Current Canadian finance minister and deputy prime minister, Chrystia Freeland, is on the WEF’s board of trustees, alongside former Bank of Canada and Bank of England governor, Mark Carney. Freeland was last seen announcing asset freezes and crackdown measures against truckers and supporters in the streets of Canada demanding an end to heavy handed Covid mandates and restrictions. And Carney recently qualified the Freedom Convoy as “sedition” in a hysterical opinion piece published in the Globe and Mail newspaper.
It’s only logical that when citizens start seeing visible “World Economic Forum” branding on those taking – or publicly advocating for – drastic and unprecedented liberticidal measures against them, they start asking questions about the nature of the organization’s influence.
No citizen in any country actually voted to adopt the Davos agenda. And it’s debatable whether a sufficient number actually would. According to its own website, the WEF agenda includes increased digital integration and digitization, “urgent” climate change response, and a vision of a “Fourth Industrial Revolution” that is “characterized by a range of new technologies that are fusing the physical, digital and biological worlds, impacting all disciplines, economies and industries, and even challenging ideas about what it means to be human.” The organization is also exploring the notion of “human enhancement”.
And those are just the aspects that are public. It all sounds like it has the potential to give rise to a dystopian reality, particularly coupled with the previously unimaginable measures taken by democratic governments under a sanitary pretext over the past two years. And who, or what, influences the organization itself? A massive list of multinational entities with fiduciary obligations to increase shareholder wealth, according to the organization’s website. The WEF would like for the average citizen to believe that everything it does is for our own interests. But it’s difficult to imagine what the organization’s backers actually gain by empowering average citizens rather than maintaining control over them.
Nonetheless, what is glaringly obvious is that the WEF serves as a clearinghouse and consolidator for ideas that promote a one-size fits all global agenda that has become interchangeable with the Western establishment status quo. There is nothing more undemocratic than elected officials serving any other master than their people.
Much more light deserves to be shed on this supranational entity, its string-pullers, and the extent to which their agenda trickles down into our daily lives. [RT]
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Don’t worry it’s a war between darkness and light we the light are coming for the globalist’s Booty to kick it back to the stone ages claus fauci gates of hell soreAss all of you have 8 billion enemies on your flank
WHY would Global elitist “capitalists” fund Marxist front identity groups BLM and Antifa who calls for “liquidation of the bourgeois class” and society’s destruction to rebuild humans into global socialists? Is this merely intended for a “controlled opposition”?
WHY, only after WW2 has evidence of an E.T. presence become off topic , while within that same timeframe the Frankfurt School began their march through our institutions , recruiting 3 generations of naïve Liberals into becoming their “useful fool” shills, carrying out increasingly divisive memes under fake doublespeak terms such as” equity and diversity”?
WHY so much effort beginning in that same era to propagandize their random chance human evolutionary theory while erasing physical evidence of human giants and anything else incompatible with their narrative? -seems there’s a purpose in our creation which needs to be kept secret from us “for OUR own good or THEIRS”?
When our currencies were decoupled from assets, yet realizing this was a path towards an eventual economic crash , WHY didn’t these elites CONFER with us FIRST rather than impose what can only result in their FINAL SOLUTION upon US?
I add this all up to conclude a) These elites AREN’T “free market capitalists”. They are Corporatists seeking governmental powers, aka “corporate fascism”. WEF stated goals are “you’ll own nothing ” in their “stakeholder capitalism” which is exactly State Socialism- systems which killed off +100 million citizens in the 20th century-
They posit that by 2030, Ai/robotics will take away the jobs of most the population ,leaving most us homeless and starving, YET by some miracle, “they have solutions for our life support ” even though we’ll no longer be able to tax fund the necessary infrastructures for this to be possible.
If we familiarize ourselves with the great scientists/astrophysics, Ufologists and the sci writing community , the question “E.T’s HAVE to been around even before humans existed, so WHY DON’T WE SEE THEM?” is answered “because an advanced galactic community would necessitate LAWS such as Westphalian/Prime Directives, forbidding interference with lesser civilizations”.
SO how could an unethical faction BYPASS these laws while preparing a resourced planet for future exploitation?
simple: create a human slave species -and a tiny number of elite hybrids to rule them, developing civilization and then infrastructure (Ai)necessary for resource extraction, then have the elites DEPOPULATE the humans to the point which no discernable civilization remains in existence(as humanity has outlived its usefulness). ALL THIS APPEARING TO BE NATIVIST
EVENTS to the Federation. Therefore: NO civilization, NO legal protection from the “faction” who would be free to openly arrive harvest, ALL with virtually no effort on their part nor risk to themselves.
Spot on! The short term collaborators are in it for the cash.
But the corporatists at the top are ideologially committed.
Even “spiritually”, as in the advent and takeover of a new global religion / faith.
But there are also those who derive perverse pleasure and satisfaction from duping and manipulating other humans as though they were lab rats or zoo curiosities.
The richest people on earth hate humanity. They want billions dead. The Georgia guidestones outline their plan. These people want to play God, and decide who is essential, and who is nonessential. Most of them have demonseed bloodlines. It’s a classic battle between good and evil.
They want those dream paradises that are on movies, in which they can fly to and no one will be around for miles. Can’t do that yet out of space, so why not create space on Earth…. Sad to say, they do most likely do think that. As long as they got a bunch of slaves that can make things, cook things and clean things for them.
Less than 200,000.
The total number of WEF/ Globalist connected Elites worldwide.
8,200,000,000 Vs 200,000.
Now please see clearly why they divide us against one another in so many ways and quit allowing them to do so.
Perhaps WEF exists to have the brightest accountants launder money in larger amounts?