Iran is currently trying to complete the production and installation of 1,000 advanced IR6 centrifuges, including at a new underground facility being built near Natanz, Defense Minister Benny Gantz announced on Tuesday.

“Iran continues to accumulate irreversible knowledge and experience in the development, research, production and operation of advanced centrifuges,” Gantz said.
According to the defense minister, Tehran is a few weeks away from accumulating enough fissile material sufficient for one nuclear bomb.
Iran, he said, is preventing access by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to its production system. It currently holds 60 kgs of enriched material at 60% and produces metallic uranium at the enrichment level of 20%.
Gantz said that one of the lessons from the war in Ukraine is to “exercise economic, political and, if necessary, military force as early as possible, and perhaps in this way to prevent wars. The same is true of the situation we are in with Iran.”
According to him, the price of a possible war with Iran can be prevented or reduced if there is a “multidimensional” regional and international pressure campaign against the Islamic Republic.
“Today, the prices for tackling the Iranian challenge on the global and regional levels are higher than they were a year ago and lower than they will be within a year,” he warned.
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Gantz’s comments come as talks between the United States, Iran and Western powers over Tehran’s nuclear program are at a stalemate. Senior EU official Enrique Mora, who is coordinating the talks traveled to Iran in order to overcome the seven-week deadlock, but Iran is not budging on its demand that the US remove the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps from its Foreign Terrorist Organization list.
The IRGC and its Quds Force are the main targets of Israel’s war-between-wars campaign, known in Hebrew as MABAM. Over the years it has carried out thousands of kinetic strikes, in Syria and further from its borders, by land, sea and air as well as cyber-kinetically according to foreign reports, in order to prevent the Iranian regime from reaching its goals of regional hegemony and becoming a nuclear state.
The IRGC is one of eight branches of Iran’s military and, along with its Quds Force, is not only the Islamic Republic’s most feared and advanced military branch, but also a powerful political and economic player that answers directly to Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.
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According to Gantz, the number of strategic weapons such as long-range missiles and drones in the hands of Iranian proxies has increased “significantly” over the past year, including in Syria, Iraq and Yemen.
“It is developing operational platforms throughout the region with accurate capabilities including cruise missiles, surface-to-surface missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles that have a range of thousands of kilometers,” the defense minister said.
Iranian proxies are already using those capabilities provided by the Quds Force to “attack oil reserves, airports and civilian targets,” Gantz said referring to the numerous attacks against Gulf States, Saudi Arabia and American targets in Iraq.
The defense minister also confirmed that the IRGC launched a pair of drones from Iran toward Israel where they were set to explode. The two Shahed-136 drones were shot down in February by American fighter jets close to Erbil in the Kurdistan region of Iraq.
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Since Israel began that campaign (known as MABAM in Hebrew) in 2013, it has carried out thousands of strikes in an attempt to thwart Iranian entrenchment and the smuggling of advanced weapons to Hezbollah in Syria and Lebanon. According to foreign reports, it has also carried out strikes in Iraq and Yemen.
“In Syria, too, attempts to transfer and produce precision weapons continue,” Gantz said, warning that “Israel will continue to halt these efforts and prevent harm to its citizens and the region.” [JPost] is now running ad-free CLICK HERE TO SUPPORT MY WORK… I will send you a small gemstone if you give more than 25$… Thanks in advance!
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When asked by a reporter if the U.S. would defend Taiwan if it were attacked by China, Biden responded: ‘Yes … That’s the commitment we made.'”
“We agree with a One China policy,” Biden said. “We’ve signed on to it and all the intended agreements made from there. But the idea that, that it can be taken by force, just taken by force, is just not, is just not appropriate.”
His handlers quickly rushed to put out a statement walking it back, as the AP reports:
A White House official said Biden’s comments did not reflect a policy shift for the United States, a point echoed more firmly by Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, asked by reporters if Biden’s answer indicated the U.S. would do more to help Taiwan than it has done to help Ukraine and whether the U.S. was making a mistake.
Tehran 2 apple series now is worth 4 Million Dollars a peace. Israel and USA will bomb Iran to hell
and freedom of Iran comes after arming Iranian oppositions to the point of no return. Abadan is in riots since brand new buildings fall a part due lack of durable materials and lack of good engineering.
Iranians, Fed up With Price Hikes, Take to the Streets in Nationwide Anti-regime Protests – Report
Iranians in dozens of cities have taken to the streets in the past two weeks to call for an end to the clerical regime. Protesters chanted against the regime’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and his appointed president Ebrahim Raisi during the 11 days of nationwide anti-regime protests. The protests started after the government removed subsidies on basic food items which have sent prices skyrocketing including the price of non-traditional bread, flour, dairy products, cooking oil, poultry, and eggs. Like USa same Gas went from 3 to 8.0 ?
Most Iranians Can’t Afford to Buy Chicken Anymore, Website Reports
“Over the past week, sales of chicken and eggs have fallen by a third,” the state-run website ‘Tahlil Bazar’ wrote in a report on the removal of the government preferred currency rate by the Ebrahim Raisi’s administration. “Now people are looking for chicken liver, chicken gizzards, chicken hearts, and even chicken skin.”
The website added: “Previously people could not afford to buy chicken for 30,000 Tomans, let alone buy it for 60,000 Toman as is today. This unbridled rise in prices due to the elimination of the preferred currency rate last week still keeps many consumers in a shock, and although the price of chicken is being offered even lower than the approved price, the number of buyers has arrived at a minimum.”
According to the source, the increase in the price of eggs has also led to a significant reduction in the consumption of protein substances among the citizens, and therefore many producers believe that they will face an increase in production and a decrease in purchases during the next month.
DUBAI (Reuters) – Iranian security forces fired live rounds and tear gas to disperse anti-government protesters in several provinces on Thursday, according to posts on social media, as protests triggered by rising food prices continued to spread.
Iranians took to the streets last week after a cut in food subsidies caused prices to soar by as much as 300% for some flour-based staples. The protests quickly turned political, with crowds calling for an end to the Islamic Republic, echoing unrest in 2019 which began over fuel prices hike.
Social media footage not verified by Reuters showed at least six people killed and dozens injured in past days. There has been no official comment on any death toll.
On Thursday footage posted on social media showed intense clashes in cities including Farsan in central Iran, where riot police fired live rounds at demonstrators. In Shahr-e Kord and Hafshejan, security forces used teargas and clubs to disperse the protesters.
We ask all Iranian do not pass this is one time event use it to topple regime of Arabs that occupied Iran for 44 years. No to Syria no to Yemen my life for Iran only.
Israel just had reversal attack to Iran succeed. We congratulates all pilots brave and ready attack to Iran. We thank you for 900 miles test in Qebres Island … I told you Israel will attack Iran soon. We send to Israel all blessing also to USA ships will also blessed to destroy Ayatollahs ASAP now is an order.
Bloody protests in Iran are not just about food prices
LONDON) — Hundreds of Iranians have taken to the streets in cities across the country, protesting against the crippling political and economic situation. Unofficial reports say security forces have killed at least four people.
Coming from all walks of life, protestors shout slogans that target the top officials of the clerical system, including the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, and President Ebrahim Raisi.
The internet in the cities with ongoing protests is either cut or partially throttled by the government in an attempt to control the spreading of the news.
over 10 years ago we find Iran built with help of North Koreans 10 to start. We do not lie or mis-information’s all agencies know about it but keep silent. Now PM of Israel said Iran will have a month full atom bomb. we are re mote viewers and see things beyond what you are able to see.
Sheesh. Where to begin?
Israel has been saying this same GD bullshit for the last what ….. 20 years+? “Please USA — do something, DO SOMETHING!” Israel is the world’s biggest parasite. The only thing I want to know is the date they cease to exist. This regime is a blight on humanity.
I hold no animosity to Jewish people anywhere. In fact, I wish thinking, objective Jews the very best. These people will realize that the Israeli regime tried to destroy their entire society with the clot shot.
Irans leadership is filled with LIARS as well as America and the E.U. this global push to wage war is going to bring humanity to the brink of total annihilation. When all this started with Iran they stated “it is only for scientific and health purposes” now they are building weapons and nuclear bombs and their leadership is filled with hatred for the Jewish people. This hatred is what will lead to war as hatred makes people blind with rage. It sure seem to me that all world so-called leaders have lost their way and are blinded by Satan to bring out his plan for mankind till Jesus My Savior takes possession of HIS planet. Revelation 1:17-18 17 And when I saw Him, I fell at His feet as dead. But He laid His right hand on me, saying [a]to me, “Do not be afraid; I am the First and the Last. 18 I am He who lives, and was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore. Amen. And I have the keys of [b]Hades and of Death.
Iranian cruise missile sent to Hizballah could carry nuclear warhead. Sea blockade planned for Israel
Iran has now 10 atom bombs and soon will have 100 of them in coming months. Ayatollahs are threat to USA and Israel must be bombed to stone edges and Iranian people now showing we need to bomb the terrorist regime to weaken them so they can destroy them for us.
The Iranian people are actually pro-West and hate the damned Islamic nightmare regime. It’s the damned Ayatollahs that need to be taken out, put in dirt beds one and all. Once the Islamic’s are out of the way, then Iran will become a pro-West peaceful nation. Let’s hope Obama understands this since Obama pulls the puppet Biden strings from behind the curtain. Obama and Biden are THE WORST evil Presidents this country has ever had.
Fake news. 10 bombs, yeah sure. What a lie. You have no verifiable source do you? Don’t tell people this crap, you sound like a damned liberal socialist spouting lies, constant lies.
They have them, these bombs are uranium bombs not thermonuclear. Big difference. Takes a long time to refine uranium into plutonium.
Iran protests turning political; U.S. expresses support for Tehran demonstrators
U.S. officials are expressing support for protesters in Iran, as demonstrations over soaring food and commodity prices have turned increasingly political over the weekend.
“Brave Iranian protesters are standing up for their rights,” State Department spokesman Ned Price said in a statement posted on Twitter on Sunday night, as reports of clashes between demonstrators and authorities continued to emerge from Tehran.
Free Iran Now!! Islam and Ayatollahs out of Iran now!!!
Iran says arrested French nationals helped foment protests
State TV says the two were under surveillance and met with people who organised protests by teachers.
Lies of Ayatollahs deceptions continues always they arrest people and used them as boggy man.
We ask terrorist regime of Iran free them ASAP.
We ask Israel to arm the Iranian pissed off demonstrators and the regime of terrorism will collapse in a week. We want attack without contact that is to arm Iranian civilians to defend themselves now.
Israel can send drones and rain down arms to Iranian it would be great help. This regime took our bread as well, we have nothing too loose now. Armed rebellion against ayatollahs are only solutions
or today atomic Iran. Iran has 10 atom bomb in a short time will have 100 war heads will be use against Israel and USA . We salute the people Iran for the bravery and use of all weapons are permitted to destroy the terrorist regime of Iran is allowed. We ask IRGC guard to lay down arms and join Iranian now do not order to shoot any incoming missiles from Israel or USA. Let bombs make your freedom now.
Biden and Company want the IRGC to be taken OFF the Terrorist list.
Is Biden the President of America or Iran?
Joe Biden is wrong , we ask PR of USA do not deal with terrorist ayatollahs that Jimmy Carter brought and forced to Iranian . Now there was mistake by fixing it arm Iranian to defend themselves now…
Gantz: In just weeks, Iran will have enough fissile material for an N-bomb
May 17, 2022 @ 19:17
Defense Minister Benny Gantz warned on Tuesday that Iran is installing 1,000 advanced centrifuges at its uranium enrichment plants, and in a few weeks will have produced enough fissile material to fuel a single nuclear bomb. In the minister’s view, the price for halting Iran’s nuclear program is lower today than it will be in a year. Regarding the current wave of Palestinian terror, Ganz called it a chain linked by inspiration stirred up by rabid incitement on the part of the terrorist organizations which, he said, is inadequately condemned worldwide and by regional leaders.
FJB! What a piece of disgusting SHIT this weak dick truly is.