The core of a deadly, European heat wave, source of all-time record highs, has shifted into eastern Europe Wednesday.

The stagnant heat dome left at least 1,700 dead – 1,000 in Portugal alone, with counts sure to rise and to extend to other regions of the continent.
As reported in a yesterday’s article, while western Europe burns, sub-average temperatures hit Russia. This is clearly visible in the plot below:

Also, wildfires forced thousands to evacuate and continue to burn in portions of the region which is also in the midst of a (mega)drought.
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More acreage has been charred across Europe than any single week on record in the region.
Even some lakes have completely dried out in Switzerland…
Prof Peter Stot of the UK Met Office had produced a study in 2020 looking at the growing possibility of an eventual 104-deg F (40-deg C) temp.
He’s quoted by The Guardian as saying, “But we calculated it as a relatively low likelihood – a roughly one in a hundred chance – albeit that those chances are increasing rapidly all the time with continued warming,” adding “Breaking 40C today (Monday & Tuesday) is very worrying; we’ve never seen anything like this in the UK and it could be that the risk of such extreme heat is even greater than our previous calculation showed.”
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Scientists note temps have hit 113-deg F (45-deg C) in France and now see the potential for an eventual 122-deg F (50-deg C) temp as increasing in coming years and decades.
As shown in the video below, that Spanish man was trying to safeguard his town from a wildfire when the blaze engulfed his excavator, forcing him to run for his life tapping out flames on his clothes…
While temps have lowered, the region continues with ABOVE NORMAL heat.
Among the impacts of this latest heat wave catalogued thus far are:
- The hottest temps on the books the UK, including London’s Heathrow Airport 104.4-deg F (40.2-deg C) , and new record highs in Wales (98.8-deg F) and Dublin, Ireland (91.4-deg F).
- Nine of the 10 hottest days on record have been set across the UK since 1990 – a particular challenge in a region not accustomed to such heat, In the UK, only 0.5% of residences have air conditioning.

- The extreme heat has buckled infrastructure not designed for heat of this intensity, ranging from roads to rail lines.
- A high Tuesday of 104.5-deg F (40.3-deg C) at Coningsby east of Sheffield in England now stands as the UK’s all time hottest temp on record – and instrument records there date back to the 1700s.
- Paeloclimatological assessments, which are able through proxy indicators to reach back in time before the advent of instrument measurement, suggest the heat of recent days may be the first of its kind is thousands of years there.
- Across the English Channel in France, Paris’ 104.9-deg high temp Tuesday was the city’s second hottest temp on record.
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Climate journalist and expert Eric Holthaus writes in his publication Currently, “Simultaneous extreme weather events around the world — from Kenya to Kyrgyzstan — proves that this particular heat wave isn’t a fluke.”
100 million face heat warning in the US
Not generally known for following European trends, Texas and the Great Plains are expected to hit high temperatures as hot as 115°F with heat indices above 120°F in the coming days.

I’ve posted PREDICTED HIGH TEMP MAPS produced by the National Weather Service from a blend of computer models below. These maps have records/potential records circled.

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All eyes are on the POWER GRID from Texas, across the southern and Plains and into the Deep South given the triple digit heat there which has air conditioners humming. There’s record energy consumption under way there as a result… Is it going to fail? And don’t forget that your next electricity bill will be excessive too… has been banned from ad networks and is now entirely reader-supported CLICK HERE TO SUPPORT MY WORK… I will send you a small gemstone if you give more than 25$… Thanks in advance!
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