Ian was expected to dump 12 to 18 inches of rain on much of central and northeast Florida, with some locations being hit with as much as 2 feet of rain.
Hurricane Ian made landfall on Florida’s Gulf Coast on Wednesday, lashing the region with torrential rain and winds of 150 mph and knocking out power to more than 2 million homes and businesses.
In case of a weather emergency, always have your emergency kit ready…

The “catastrophic” system, one of the most powerful hurricanes to strike the U.S. in decades, came ashore near Cayo Costa, just west of Fort Myers, around 3 p.m. after strengthening to a powerful Category 4 storm, the National Hurricane Center said.
Hours after landfall, top sustained winds had dropped to 105 mph, making it a Category 2 hurricane. Still, storm surges as high as 6 feet were expected on the opposite side of the state, in northeast Florida.
“Our streets are pretty much underwater,” said Mike McNees, the city manager on Marco Island. “The streets, at this point, are indistinguishable from the canals.”
In Fort Myers, Cheryl Berberich told NBC News she looked out of the window of her condo after Ian struck and “saw our car float away.”
“Many cars are floating away here,” said Berberich, who is from Missouri and was stranded in her vacation home after being unable to find a flight home. “Believe it or not, refrigerators are out there floating.”
Prepare now! Protect your home and cars againts EMP, solar flare and lightnings…
Gov. Ron DeSantis said that some areas have had storm surges as high as 12 feet and that Ian was “battering” southwest Florida. He said he has been in regular contact with President Joe Biden, who approved his request for an emergency declaration days before Ian slammed into the state.
“This is a big one, and I think we all know there’s going to be major, major impacts,” DeSantis said. “We have a long way to go before the storm exits this state.”
With Ian now ashore, authorities in Charlotte County imposed an overnight curfew and ordered everybody but first responders off the roads.
Prepare now! You will never go without electricity with this portable power station!
“As soon as it is safe to rescind this order, I will do so,” Charlotte County Sheriff Bill Prummell said. “Until that time, the only people that should be out on the roadways after hours are essential workers as they strive to assess and provide assistance to those who received damage caused by the storm.”
Meanwhile, more than 600,000 customers in hardest-hit Lee, Charlotte and Sarasota counties were without power, and outages affected more than 1.5 million customers across the state, all the way from the Everglades north to Tampa, according to the utility data website PowerOutage.us.
More than 2 million people along Florida’s Gulf Coast had been under evacuation orders.
Prepare now! Stock up on Iodine tablets for the next nuclear disaster…
Ian was expected to dump 12 to 18 inches of rain on much of central and northeast Florida, with some locations perhaps being hit with as much as 2 feet of rain, the hurricane center said Wednesday.
Early projections had shown Ian on track to hit Tampa, Florida’s third-biggest city, which hadn’t been stuck by a major hurricane since 1921. But the storm’s eastward shift likely spared the densely populated region more serious damage. [NBC News]
Geoengineering is no longer a fringe conspiracy “theory” but now acceoted as fact by major mainstream news outlets, such as pro MOTB-Jab VICE News. No governor will save us from massive, colossal floods and overflowing rivers, let alone resurrect the lives lost in these horrendous events.
It is absolutely a hoax. Same people that created Global Warming, Climate Change and Flat Earth Hoaxes. You are either being played or you’re helping to deceive people.
Vice news. What a klownshow. Fricken lefty dirtbag propaganda spreader.
Insurance pays out differently if the hurricane is classifed as a 4 vs.5. That damage is horrible too. Next to pharma-sorcery, insurance also has a very strong lobby. Wouldn’t surprise me in the least if this hurricane was misclassified as a 4. Every pillar of American culture and business as been corrupted. Sports, media, churches, politics, banking, insurance, law, medicine — all corrupted!
Probably right. They under report all natural events. For insurance and to not alarm people. But it’s ok to really ramp up the, They’re Gonna Nuke Us, crap. That’s for political effect. But these weather events are too close to the truth. Steve Quayle is now listing which cities Putin is going to nuke first. It’s like a cult religion.
My hometown is in Charlotte county – I have a son and nephew there. A tree fell on my nephews house. They say it looks the same as when Hurricane Charley hit in 2004. My oldest son is in Brandon outside Tampa and they have no power. My niece is in Daytona and it is completely flooded. I’m in the mountains now lol – I hated Florida! Hot, humid, sand, mosquitoes – you can have it!
One of my friends lost their house completely. Some I haven’t been able to reach yet.
Carole is a mountain woman. See, it’s better than being a flatlander, surrounded by idiots.
Reason world populations get hit so hard during the Pole Shift is 85% live within 100 miles of a coast. India is supposed to completely sink. Very quickly as the Indonesian Plate is sub-ducting under the Himalayans. This is the reason those massive mountains exist. There’s nowhere for those folks to go. That region has already sunk to the point that they are moving Jakarta to Borneo, as it was constantly flooding. 1.4 billion people in India. Their so-called leaders have a bugout plan. Evil folks.
I used to miss the oceans, beaches, and deep sea fishing. Now, I live in the mountains.
That is one big mess. Good Lord help those people.
This will cause some good folks to get an urge to leave Florida for high ground. Nowhere in Florida is safe.
“President Joe Biden” – A phrase much scarier than this hurricane.
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