It has been the wettest 10-day period for downtown San Francisco in over 150 years, according to a tweet by the National Weather Service.
Downtown San Francisco received 10.33 inches of rain from Dec. 26 through Jan. 4, says NWS. The last time SF received that much rain was all the way back in 1871. NWS says the all-time 10-day record was 14.37 inches in January 1862.
The wettest 10 day period for Downtown San Francisco since 1871! Downtown San Francisco received 10.33″ Dec 26 – Jan 4 (yesterday). All time 10 day record was 14.37″ in Jan 1862. #cawx
— NWS Bay Area ? (@NWSBayArea) January 5, 2023
This isn’t the only record San Francisco has topped with the winter rain.
On New Year’s Eve, ABC7 News meteorologist Drew Tuma tweeted that December was the wettest month all year at 4.76″. He says the city saw 31 days worth of December rain fall in only 13 hours—from midnight to 1 p.m. Saturday.
Our San Francisco Downtown site hit 5.46” in the 24 hours of december 31st. This makes it the second wettest day in the 170+ years of records at that site, just 0.08” less than 1st place (11/5/1994) with 5.54”
This also was 46.8% of the monthly rainfall. (11.66”) pic.twitter.com/18DKkQkpG1
— NWS Bay Area ? (@NWSBayArea) January 1, 2023
Rain measured at 5.46″ in downtown San Francisco, according to the National Weather Service. It was inching close to beating a record of 5.54″ in a single day back on Nov. 5, 1994, according to NWS. NYE became the second rainiest single day, surpassing a record from Jan. 29, 1881– which measured at 4.67″ — 142 years ago.
If such bomb cyclones continue to hammer California, many coastal cities, like SF, will soon disappear underwater… [ABC 7]
seems to be hitting my area early. its not even the time yet.
stick a fork in me I’m done.
scalar waves on goes magnetometer
real reason flights were grounded this morning since aircraft, spacecraft, animals use magnetic field for navigation.
Rain, mudslides putting stress on tectonic plates.
After these scalar controled supercell storms, John Jackson had a experience in which he was shown that “a storm of incredible force” would hit California, and that it would be a sign that precedes the colossal earthquake that permanently alters the geography of the state.
You can see how widespread this next supercell is on windy.com. click wind, then gusts. scroll out to see the entire pacific, click play. the eyewall ih strengthening, and there is another supercell behind this one. will the two merge into a colossal super storm?
power outages
The region consists of Santa Barbara County, Ventura County, Los Angeles County and San Luis Obispo County ( diablo canyon nuclear power plant )
ca. getting support from fellow power electric companies from Canada, Colorado, Idaho, New Mexico, Oregon, Washington, Utah, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.
more on the way
speaking of the nuclear power plant. flash flood warning
and more storms on the way. links on the other story here.
the ai ate my post again….
power outages
The region consists of Santa Barbara County, Ventura County, Los Angeles County and San Luis Obispo County ( diablo canyon nuclear power plant )
ca. getting support from fellow power electric companies from Canada, Colorado, Idaho, New Mexico, Oregon, Washington, Utah, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.
more on the way
Ellen the Degenerate made a video of her Montecito mansion with water running down her property. Yes, she blames climate
fraudchange just like all her Hollyweirdo degenerate pedosatanists and sodomites. Funny video on TGP site.Well we have told here destruction of USA by UK imperial forces , they created HAARP and many more weapons of mass destruction’s. Now California is flooded now needs new 7.5 plus to go to ocean? Sandiego to Vancouver BC will be experiencing massive shake down over due indeed?
Who Will Start The First Major War Of 2023?
Hey Mo. Sooner or later your eathquake prediction will happen. I think so. ?
40 days and 40 nights has a nice ring to it..
Another record is that Satan’s Fagotopia has the highest concentration of buttmonkey-pox, herpes, aids, genital dickwarts, syphilis, and gonorrhea.
No drought though.
At least the streets and sidewalks are cleanedof crap/needles!
Yes, and Nancy is in a sugar coma from eating her ice cream collection and washing it down with a bottle of vodka. Paul is still pulling hammers out of his buttocks.
Maybe the upcoming saturation (next couple days) will cause that earthquake up north? 1906 type earthquake.
Off topic:
Ok, so this article misses the point. Unequal, two tiered justice is a marxist technique for demoralizing the target. This is a cog in the wheel. America is being fundamentally transformed by homo-marxist-satanists. That is what is happening!
Bozobiden will skate, same as Hitlery skated, same as Hunter skated, same as Sam Bank Fraud FTX will skate, same as Wasserman-pigface skated, same as Miley will skate.
Get it yet?