Millions of caterpillars appear out of nowhere, threatening farmland. They are found crawling along roadsides, in settlements and in fields, eating everything on their path…
Farmers are sounding the alarm. The massive amount of caterpillars is destroying properties, gardens and crops, which will lead to an increase in food prices. This is a situation to avoid after the deadly earthquakes.
Farmers have no insecticide left to protect their crops and fields. And the wave of caterpillar is non-stop. They reappear out-of-nowehere after being sprayed…
Children are afraid to go to school. Parents don’t know if the caterpillars have diseases and are also scared.
It is believed that this may be due to the large earthquake that occurred over the last 3 weeks in Turkey.
Stock up on iodine pills for the next nuclear disaster…
An investigation has been started by a team of the Şırnak Provincial Directorate of Agriculture and Forestry.
Now they will have to eat them all… [Youtube]
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The following links feature products I recommend you to add to your preparedness plan to help and protect you and your family during an emergency:
- Protect your home and car with the best lightning and EMP protection available…
- Stock up on iodine pills for the next nuclear disaster…
- Use this filter to drink clean water at home!
House flies, ticks, mosquitoes and even caterpillers also be used as weapons, other experts found.
They could be injected with genetically engineered viruses – and remote-controlled “insect drones” could stealthily deploy the bugs over vast areas to spread the pathogen.
The insects then infect any person or animal they bite.
The Nazis considered using mosquitoes as biological weapons during the Second World War.
bill gates released bioengineered mosquitoes (Transgenic Mosquito, as a Flying Syringe, to Deliver Protective Vaccines) a few years ago. I wouldn’t put it pass him to also use this for locusts, caterpillers ect. to destroy food crops too.
Retard D’jour ~ Caterpillar hairdo
Even has turd-colored caterpillars in her hair. This is why a meritocracy is better too. Less retards in the spotlight embarrassing America.
Caterpillar Eyebrows from Andre The Giant:
Leftist Professor of Bigotry. I really can’t say if that is a female bull dyke, or a fat hairy dude? Whatever it is, it can take a bucket of chicken and cram it sideways!
Run for the Border, People Tacos ~ Muy Frescas!
You have to be a moron lefty to travel in that shithole.
Mexico uses Sensu Lato ( 3 most common strains) to diagnose Lyme, the USA Western Blot is still only one strain.
Drew my own blood, used my own centrifuge bought on ebay, with the help of a doctor friend, sent it to Igenex and got diagnosed with the only the co-infections of Lyme. The Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social ( IMSS) found Lyme…this is the same system used by the poorest of the poor, and not looked upon as anything special in MX. Not saying everything in MX is perfect, but people care about families… in Ciudad de Mexico ( Mexico City) subways the Mexicans would regularly get up so my children and wife could sit on the subway train…
USA destroyed Mexico via both political parties and Rome. Rome owns and created the USA.
50cal Why do you think I’d create golems? Do you like/read Harry Potter garbage?
You’re so concerned about random trnsvestites and alleged “leftists” you probably never read the bible anymore.
You read the talmud and make golems to screw, incel.
You think you can come to this site and spoil every thread with lies, slander, and asinine remarks. You think you can ruin SS? I will make it my job to punish you when you start shit with me! Do you read me dickweed! ???
Berzerkley California:
It’s way left there. Since the 1970’s I never met anyone from Berzerkley that was not higher than a kite or hallucinating. We used to call ’em “fry brains.” This guy is one frankfurter short of a weinee roast.
The right will only make the left’s problems worse/agitate the left into further and more violent hostility. Always had and always will. If you think “lesser e” politicians and governors are like sorcerers/magicians that can make “left wing” problems go poof, you don’t understand how humanity or history works.
DJT (father of Darthsantis) is openly talking about 10 new “freedom cities” that are ctually O.W.G. enslavement 15 minute cities in disguise, but he uses code words and carefully scripted lanuage and emotions to deceive even the very elect. Colcasperky has been exposing this vexxx daddy for years now.
Keep taking your retard pills and spewing incoherent rubbish. You are certifiable as a mental defective, Trollbecile.
So i’m a “mental defective” and “leftist” for opposing your “lesser evil red team” propaganda. Unbelievable. What do you watch, Fox News/Newsmax?
I’m not a leftist faggot. I don’t watch tv, LIKE YOU! pajama boy. I just watched a video on Trump and his All-American ideal city. You are the most full-of-shit lying piece of trash ever too. Make up crap all day and pollute this site with rubbish! ?
I’d rather be physically taken out by your gods/their minions and make it into Yeshua’s kingdom with a new healthier body without my current sinful blood, than be in your gods “ideal city” and be cast into eternal hellfire with DJT and RD and all active politicians.
50cal you’re on the big wide path to Sa’tan’s pit of fire forever for rejecting Yeshua Jesus in favor of D’JT/R’D’ or whoever else you love now. Your god is Sa’tan, the god of this world according to the Book of Corinthians.
TV can be used for good. Internet/phones can also be used for good. But you have to pile your 101th problem atop 100 problems you already have? It’s so sad and hopeless trying to tell you the truth. You’re so deluded and a danger to yourself and others 50cal especially since you think ALL doctors are somehow evil/not willing to help others. Your ideal vision of a man is a grossly overweight diet coke drinking/proud and arrogant one with an antich’rist spirit in his heart.
Satan craps in your mouth, and you call it lunch, pajama boy.
So I’m the biggest liar ever for sharing links about your favoite politicians doing evil things? Go to Health Impact News/TrumpetForYahweh’s videos for yourself and tell them everything you love about these M.O.S. golden calves.
Honestly I cringe when people who are generally good, go at each other like pitbulls over belief in one political party/ person or another.
Neither you nor 50 Cal would choose to live as a slave, so what good does it do to fight?
Every politician is controlled to some extent, maybe against their will, but so be it, it’s the hangover from the “intervention” of JFK ( “intervention” was McCain’s terminology).
Trump defecates in your soul.
Same thing with JB, RD, BO, everyone who is political. False saviors to usher in the global communist OWG even in Japan also. No borders will protect us at all.
Wait till the shtf and your world turns to shit. I will be laughing at dirtfaggots like you.?
Not just my world, the whole world will turn to trash 50cal. You laugh like a sadist supervillain in a Tokusatsu show. You’re extremely rotten for a Christian, and hopefully you’ll never see me in person.
I just loath marxist-satanist shitbags like you, and you are so easily offended. Most liberal pussy boys act like you. In the olden days, they got their ass kicked too. Your main problem is you never got spanked for insolence, or your ass kicked properly. That is why you think you can talk shit to me. Too bad your pappy satan never took a leather belt to your ass. You are indicative with what is wrong with today’s children. Most of you are pussified limp wristed asswhores!
Recent earthquake brought them from out of the ground and woke them up to pillage, eat, and destroy?
Bring out the ducks, roosters, and hens. They look at caterpillars as lunch. Some seasons are big for hatching caterpillars, and some are small. We have seen green hornworm hatches cover highways before. They will devaste crops and young trees if you don’t get after the problem.
just what i thought, get the birds on this squirming mass!
Yep, they snarf ’em down. That is why I keep a few roosters. Plus it’s fun to watch roosters fight each other over bugs.
Guineafowl !!!
Better than chickens at eradicating Tics, locust (and I suppose caterpillars) than any other bird, a bit crazy, but fun to watch and raise. Very popular in in the southern USA.
Never had guinea fowl, yet. Do they taste good?
Hey 50 Cal,
Guineafowl are supposed to taste good only in year one…we never ate any as they were too valuable eating the pests. We had “french” Guineas from Metzer we were happy with them…other metzer birds are not always up to standard IMHO.
I did raise chickens ( my favorite flavor was McMurry “Barred” Rocks), Quail, Geese ( American Buff mostly), ducks ( my favorite was Welsh harlequins from Holderread himself before he retired), those we all ate with gusto.
Watch Satan’s Children rush there and harvest them!
Tomorrow they’ll sell them to stupid White Cowards
as “Crispy Critters” and every stupid White Coward
will buy tons of them, making Satan’s Children even
richer and fatter than before! ?
Relax there is NO power outside of the creator…anything that looks powerful was/ is given power by the creator to create the illusion that there is other powers…otherwise there would be no freedom of choice to do evil and be immoral.