Unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAPs) have access to Earth through wormholes, some of which are present in active volcanoes. According to a new report, two were spotted as Popocatepetl volcanoes in Mexico.
2 UAPs Spotted in Popocatepetl Volcano in Mexico
According to a specialist, a “wormhole” under a very active volcano could allow extraterrestrial entities from distant planets in space to reach Earth.
Ufologist Jaime Maussan said that two enigmatic UAPs were seen flying near Mexico’s Popocatepetl volcano as its crater blasted lava into the sky. Maussan claimed that no man-made object could penetrate a crater because of the temperatures around 1,000C. He noticed the UAPs after photographs from the occurrence were released.
According to Maussan, Popocatepetl serves as an “interdimensional portal” -a passageway connecting two points in space that enables space travelers to access one area from another.
He theorizes that the volcano’s powerful magnetic field is a wormhole to another universe region, where extraterrestrial beings can enter and exit.
Here’s a video in Spanish for those of you who understand it…
Popocatepetl volcano is one of the most active volcanoes southeast of Mexico City. It is 5,426m (17,802ft) tall. It was named after the Nahuatl language, meaning “Smoking Mountain.”
According to Maussan, the University of Bergen in Norway determined in 1996 that magnetic storms are needed beneath the volcano to produce X-points or regions of electron diffusion that can be used to build dimensional portals.
According to NASA physicist Jack Scudder, X-points are locations where the magnetic fields of Earth and the Sun are connected, forming a direct passage from our planet to the Sun’s atmosphere, which is 93 million miles distant.
Since the Sun’s and Earth’s magnetic fields interact to form an X-shaped pattern, they are known as X-points, and according to Maussan, famed physicist Albert Einstein initially proposed the concept of wormholes in the 1930s.
Learn what is a wormhole in the next video…
The German-born scientist Albert Einstein described “wormhole” in his general relativity theory as the solution of the field equations as a space-time tunnel connecting two black holes or other locations. A tunnel of this kind would offer a direct route between its ends.
As an analogy, imagine an ant moving from point A to point B across a flat piece of paper. The ant can transfer directly from one spot to the other and skip a long journey if the paper is bent in the third dimension so that points A and B overlap. [Daily Star, Science Times]
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