The first of six CMEs hurled toward Earth by giant sunspot AR3664 just hit our planet’s magnetic field.
The impact on May 10th at 1645 UT jolted magnetometers around the world (e.g., 108 nT in Boulder CO) and sparked a severe (G4-class) geomagnetic storm.

This storm is underway now.
More CMEs are following close behind (see below) and their arrival could extend the storm into the weekend.
The number of CMEs heading for Earth keeps increasing. The total is now six following this morning’s X3.9-class flare from giant sunspot AR3664. All six storm clouds are captured in this time-lapse movie from the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO):

The two bright objects are Jupiter (left) and Venus (right). The CMEs will miss those planets and hit Earth instead.
According to a NOAA forecast model, the first three CMEs could merge to form a “Cannibal CME.” Cannibal CMEs form when fast-moving CMEs overtake and gobble up slower CMEs in front of them.

Internal shock waves created by such CME collisions do a good job sparking geomagnetic storms when they strike Earth’s magnetic field.
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From Moscow to London to New York economic collapse is due to come and final tests of nuclear tactical will be finished a week. All nations are ready loaded to go in an order with respective commander in chief. We soon will have to seen mother of all wars WW3 nukes and destructions of planet. Neinch of our nations to radical PLO and Ayatoolahs ?w hospital in USA has already installed contaminations for hospital staff. Somethig is not right ? Why Americans are not ready to prepare. We are 9 meals away from riots globally and global martial law will soon coming …. PLO occuptions of USA and NATO universities continues … Hands off our colledges and universities now now.
TN law makers introuduce a bill to send PLO demonstrators back to GAZA! News will changes soon daily and hour by hour soon. We will not give
give USA to radicals please see this video ?